Highlights from 2024-10-03 release


  • Dist git client moved from Copr to DistGit PR#3299.

  • Jakub started to adding support for Pulp in Copr. We are slowly adding more features to it. Tracking epic issue is Issue#2533.

  • Copr has a nice view of webhook history for each project. You can see what webhooks were sent and from where. You can find those data under Settings -> Integrations. This feature was implemented as response to Jakub’s blogpost about contriobuting to Copr project. PR#3342 and PR#3407

  • New statistics page was added to see how many users submitted at least one build in the last 30 days. It is available at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/status/stats/. PR#3401.

  • Copr rpmbuild has newly a configuration file /etc/copr/copr-rpmbuild.yml where you can set snippets for mock configuration. PR#3408.


  • Add missing diff.txt file for fedora-review tool PR#3304

  • Fixing the 500 error - race condition when creating a new project multiple times PR#3415.

  • Do not depend on yum for Fedora 41 and later inside copr-rpmbuild PR#3395.

  • Support python 3.14 version PR#3363.

  • Fail-safe source build timeout added in case copr-rpmbuild is stuck PR#3361.

  • Fix URL redirect for centos-stream PR#3341.

Warnings/Future changes

  • Custom method timeout was increased from 60 minutes to 90 minutes PR#3404.

  • Drop support for rhel-6 and rhel-7 PR#3350.