Highlights from 2021-11-11 release

Updated client packages are shipped in Fedora 35, Fedora 34, Fedora 33, EPEL 8, and EPEL 7 Bodhi updates.

Searching by attributes

It is now possible to search by using specific attributes such as project name, owner name, or package name. Searching strings such as @copr/copr of copr-cli returns the exact same results as previously but on top of that, it now recognizes the following GET parameters - ownername, projectname, packagename and their combinations. Dropdown button has been added to Web-UI next to the search box with predefined values to be searched.

APIv3 /monitor route

The monitor route was added to our API and it can be used also with the copr-cli as:

copr-cli monitor @copr/copr-dev --fields "name, chroot, state, url_build_log"

Using this monitor command you can get information about package build state. You can also choose which fields you want to print out.

Homepage redesign

Our homepage was redesigned to a more modern form showing useful information about Copr. There is now information about number of Copr projects and number of Fedora users. We also added large search bar with instructions how to search by attributes such as username, group name, etc. and row of cards with some interesting documentation sections

When you’re logged in you can see your pinned projects. For users, that didn’t customize their pinned projects, we show their most recent projects as a fallback.

The “Rebuild all” packages feature enhanced

Previously, when all packages were rebuilt, Copr built all the selected packages against all enabled chroots, ignoring the “chroot denylist” config (when some packages are not supposed to be in particular chroots). Newly, we respect the denylist by default, but users can opt-out from this. rhbz#2003474.


  • #1951 - We now accept admin permissions for submitting Copr builds without a need to explicitly grant the builder permissions either manually or automatically.

  • We fixed login issues that occurred when the user entered their email instead of FAS username. This led to that the user was redirected to /login again and again which caused an infinite loop. So now we inform the user to use the FAS username instead of email.

  • #1925 - Editing settings for rubygems/rubygems projects didn’t work. On @rubygems/rubygems in Fedora Copr, we faced timeouts when we tried to disable mock chroots with too many BuildChroots. We prepared a custom query for related BuildChroots that can be used with limit() safely.

  • rhbz#2015964 - Removing of builds was too slow, so removing of corresponding project with dozens of builds was taking too much time so the request was even able to timeout.

  • #1145 - Previously, user disabled the “automatic createrepo” feature, the builds done against the “staging” devel/ repository were done with skip_if_unavailable=True. This had a potential for a very ugly problems, if the devel/ repository was really temporarily unavailable (built failures, or even build successes against an unexpected set of packages).