How to upgrade builders

This article explains how to upgrade generate the Copr builder images (so called “golden images”) and how to migrate the Fedora Copr to them. Namely for

This HOWTO page is useful for upgrading images to a newer Fedora release or simply updating the packages contained within the builder images to the latest versions. This process of image “refreshing” significantly improves subsequent VM startup times and resolves bugs. Because when a builder machine starts from a relatively up-to-date image, only a minimal set of tasks is required at startup.

Keep amending this page if you find something not matching reality or expectations.


  • ssh access to staging backend box

  • ssh access to one of our x86_64 and ppc64le hypervisors, e.g. and

  • ssh access to, and sudo access there

  • be in FAS group aws-copr, so you can access AWS login link properly

  • IBM Cloud API token assigned to the Fedora Copr team (see team’s Bitwaarden)

Prepare AWS source images

You need to find proper (official) ami-* Fedora image IDs, bound to your desired VM location. You can e.g. go to Fedora Cloud Page and search for AWS images. There are different buttons for x86_64 and aarch64 architectures. Click the List AWS EC2 region button.

Do not launch any instance, only find an AMI ID (e.g. ami-0c830793775595d4b) for our region - we are using N.Virginia option, aka us-east-1.

Then ssh to, and su - resalloc, and execute for x86_64 arch:

$ copr-resalloc-aws-new-x86_64 \
    --initial-preparation --create-snapshot-image --debug \
    --name copr-builder-image-x86_64 \
    --instance-type=c7i.xlarge \
    --ami <ami_ID>
 * Image ID: ami-0ebce709a474af685

And then also for aarch64. Note that we need an additional volume that will be later inherited by all machines instatiated from the snapshot ami image (so we don’t need yet another additional volume when starting builders):

$ copr-resalloc-aws-new-aarch64 \
    --initial-preparation --create-snapshot-image --debug \
    --additional-volume-size 160 \
    --name copr-builder-image-aarch64 \
    --instance-type=c7g.xlarge \
    --ami <ami_ID>
 * Image ID: ami-0942a35ec3999e00d

Continue fixing the scripts/playbooks/fedora till you succeed like that ^^. Repeat the previous steps.

The remaining step is to configure{aarch64,x86_64} options in Ansible git repo, in file inventory/group_vars/copr_dev_aws and reprovision the copr-be-dev instance, see Testing. Document the previous ami-* variants as n-1, and remove the previous n-2 images in EC2 console.

Prepare libvirt source images

We prepare the LibVirt images directly on our hypervisors. We start with the official Fedora images as the “base images”, and just modify them (this is easier for us compared to generating images from scratch).


While the Power9 architecture family is required for ppc64le builds for Enterprise Linux 9 (or newer), we and while we only have Power8 machines in-house (Fedora lab) - this is none issue. The generated images on Power8 machines are compatible with Power9 (currently hosted in the OSU Open Source Lab). When uploading the image (see below), the image is as well as as onto LibVirt hypervisors automatically uploaded into the OSUOSL OpenStack.

Find source images

The first thing you need to figure out is what image should you use for particular architecture, and where to get it. The Cloud Base images can be obtained on Fedora Cloud page. Pick the variants with .qcow2 extension, without the UKI mark. Some images might be found on the Alternate Architectures page.


Don’t confuse PPC64LE with PPC64!

If neither of those URLs above provide the expected cloud image for the desired Fedora version (yet), there should exist at least a “compose” version in Koji compose directory listing, look for the latest-Fedora-Cloud-<VERSION>/compose/Cloud/<ARCH>/images directory.

Image preparation

We can not prepare the images cross-arch, yet we need to prepare one image for every supported architecture (on an appropriate hypervisor). So in turn we need to repeat the instructions for each architecture we have hypervisors for (currently x86_64 and ppc64le).

All the hypervisors in the Fedora Copr build system are appropriately configured for this task, so it doesn’t matter which of the hypervisors is chosen (only the architecture must match).


You still might need to re-run hypervisor playbooks first to sync the “provision” configuration.

Our hypervisors have overcommitted RAM and disk space a lot (otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to start so many builders on each hypervisor in parallel). The good thing is that we still can anytime temporarily spawn one or more VMs for the purpose of generating the next golden image.

So let’s try to generate the image from the given official Fedora Cloud image on one of the x86_64 hypervisors:

$ ssh
[copr@vmhost-x86-copr02 ~][PROD]$ copr-image
... SNIP ...
++ date -I
+ qemu-img convert -f qcow2 /tmp/wip-image-hi1jK.qcow2 -c -O qcow2 -o compat=0.10 /tmp/copr-eimg-G6yZpG/eimg-fixed-2021-05-24.qcow2
+ cleanup
+ rm -rf /tmp/wip-image-hi1jK.qcow2

This long running task (several minutes) can fail. If so, please fix the script, and re-run. Once the script finishes correctly (see above the output, and final eimg-fixed*.qcow file), upload the image to all hypervisors:

[copr@vmhost-x86-copr02 ~][PROD]$ /home/copr/provision/upload-qcow2-images /tmp/copr-eimg-G6yZpG/eimg-fixed-2021-05-24.qcow2
... SNIP ...
uploaded images copr-builder-20210524_085845

Test that the image spawns correctly:

$ ssh
Last login: Fri Jun 14 12:16:48 2019 from

# use a different spawning image for hypervisors, set the "VOLUMES.x86_64"
# to 'copr-builder-20210524_085845'".
[root@copr-be-dev ~][STG]# vim /var/lib/resallocserver/provision/libvirt-new

# use a different image for the OSUOSL OpenStack.  Set the
# `resalloc-openstack-new --image` argument to
# 'copr-builder-20210524_085845'.
[root@copr-be-dev ~][STG]# vim /var/lib/resallocserver/resalloc_provision/osuosl-vm

# delete current VMs to start spawning new ones
[root@copr-be-dev ~][STG]# su - resalloc
Last login: Fri Jun 14 12:43:16 UTC 2019 on pts/0
[resalloc@copr-be-dev ~][STG]$ resalloc-maint resource-delete --all

# wait a minute or so for the new VMs
[resalloc@copr-be-dev ~][STG]$ resalloc-maint resource-list |grep copr_hv_ |grep STARTING
30784 - copr_hv_x86_64_02_dev_00030784_20210524_090406 pool=copr_hv_x86_64_02_dev tags= status=STARTING releases=0 ticket=NULL

[resalloc@copr-be-dev ~][STG]$ tail -f /var/log/resallocserver/hooks/030784_alloc
... SNIP ...
DEBUG:root:Cleaning up ...
DEBUG:root:cleanup 50_shut_down_vm_destroy
... SNIP ...

If the log doesn’t look good, you’ll have to start over again (perhaps fix spawner playbooks, or the copr-image script). But if you see the VM IP address (can be an IPv6 one), you are mostly done:

[resalloc@copr-be-dev ~][STG]$ resalloc-maint resource-list | grep 00145
145 - aarch64_01_dev_00000145_20190614_124441 pool=aarch64_01_dev tags=aarch64 status=UP

For copr_builder_images.osuosl.ppc64le we will use the same buidler image as for hypervisor ppc64le.

Prepare the IBM Cloud images

For IBM Cloud we prepare a qcow2, s390x image. This is very similar to the LibVirt case above — notable difference is that we don’t have a native hypervisor to run the scripts on.

Fortunately, the Z Architecture virtual machines we start in IBM Cloud give us a possibility to run the scripting directly on the VMs (nested virt support). So we use Copr Backend machine as a hop-box — to work on one of our builder machines:

$ ssh
# su - resalloc
$ copr-prepare-s390x-image-builder
... takes one s390x builder ...
... installs additional packages ...
... does some preparation, and says ...
Now you can start the work on the machine:
$ ssh root@

So we can switch to the builder machine:

$ ssh root@

Now, find a qcow2 image we’ll be updating, take a look at the Alternate Architectures page. At this moment you want the s390x Architecture category, and Fedora Cloud qcow2. Being on the remote VM, start with:

$ copr-image
+ qemu-img convert -f qcow2 /tmp/wip-image-HkgkS.qcow2 -c -O qcow2 -o compat=0.10 /tmp/root-eimg-BlS5FJ/eimg-fixed-2022-01-19.qcow2

If you feel you need to update the s390x VM, feel free to do it (the system is disposable):

dnf update -y

From the output you see the generated image eimg-fixed-2022-01-19.qcow2 — that needs to be uploaded to IBM Cloud now, under our community account. Unfortunately, we can not _easily_ do this from Fedora machine directly as ibmcloud tool is not FLOSS. That’s why we have prepared container image for uploading, pushed to service as

$ qcow_image=/tmp/root-eimg-BlS5FJ/eimg-fixed-2022-01-19.qcow2
$ export IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=....  # find in Bitwarden
$ podman run -e IBMCLOUD_API_KEY --rm -ti -v $qcow_image:/image.qcow2:z $podman_image upload-image
+ ibmcloud login -r jp-tok
Uploaded image "r022-8509865b-0347-4a00-bbfe-bb6df1c5a384"

Note the image ID somewhere, will be used in Ansible inventory, as copr_builder_images.ibm_cloud.s390x.us_east value. You can test that the new image starts well on copr-be-dev, by:

# su - resalloc
$ RESALLOC_NAME=copr_ic_s390x_us_east_dev \
    /var/lib/resallocserver/resalloc_provision/ibm-cloud-vm \
    create test-machine

… but note that the first start takes some time, till the image is properly populated! So if the script timeouts on ssh, please re-try.

When prepared, don’t forget to drop the VM we used for the image preparation:

$ resalloc ticket-close <your_id>


If the images for all supported architectures are updated (according to previous sections), the staging copr instance is basically ready for testing. Update the Ansible git repo for all the changes in playbooks above, and also update the copr_builder_images option in inventory/group_vars/copr_dev_aws so it points to correct image names.

Increment the copr_builder_fedora_version number.

Once the changes are pushed upstream, you should re-provision the backend configuration from batcave:

$ ssh
$ sudo rbac-playbook \
    -l groups/copr-backend.yml \
    -t provision_config

You might well want to stop here for now, and try to test for a week or so that the devel instance behaves sanely. If not, consider running Running Sanity tests against local dev instance (or at least try to build several packages there).

You can try to kill all the old currently unused builders, and check the spawner log what is happening:

[copr@copr-be-dev ~][STG]$ resalloc-maint resource-delete --unused


There is a substantially less work for production instance. You just need to equivalently update the production configuration file ./inventory/group_vars/copr_aws, so the copr_builder_images config points to the same image names as development instance does. And re-run playbook from batcave:

$ sudo rbac-playbook \
    -l groups/copr-backend.yml \
    -t provision_config

Optionally, when you need to propagate the new images quickly, you can terminate the old but currently unused builders by:

$ su - resalloc
$ resalloc-maint resource-delete --unused


When everything is up and running the new version, do not forget to delete the old AMIs and associated snapshots from AWS.