
Are you familiar with Python? Look at the code and do Brainbox something. When you are done send us a patch.

Did you write some useful script which uses Copr API? Share it with the others on mailing list!

More about coding is in Developer Documentation

Local Development Environment

We support docker-compose to spawn the whole docker stack, including builder, on a local machine:

Spawning the stack

To start your developer environment, simply run docker-compose up command in the repository

$ git clone

$ cd copr

$ docker-compose up -d

$ docker exec -it copr_frontend_1 bash

[copr-fe@frontend /]$

The docker-compose up command will take several minutes to complete.

You should be now able to access the frontend on http://localhost:5000.

Testing your changes

To test your changes in frontend or backend, you should restart the respective container for the changes to take effect. You can read more details on how to do it and tips for troubleshooting in the previously mentioned blog post.

Stopping the machines

$ docker-compose stop

Removing the machines

To remove the machines, run the following command

$ docker-compose rm

Debugging machines

You can get shell to the e.g. backend container and see the logs

$ docker exec -it docker_backend_1 /bin/bash
# tail -f /var/log/copr-backend/backend.log

Unit tests

Those tests are accessible directly from COPR pagure repository ( If you change something in the frontend package, you should run the frontend test suite before committing:

$ cd copr/frontend

$ dnf builddep copr-frontend.spec     (or other equivalent command to install the needed dependencies)

$ ./

Behavioral tests

Currently, there are three test-suites: integration, backend and dist-git. Apart from being useful as an actual feature specification, these test suites are also used to verify COPR functionality before making a new release. The following code snippet shows the steps needed run the dist-git test-suite as an example

$ cd copr/beaker-tests/DockerTestEnv    # this is good for running the test in isolation (setup phase installs packages etc.)

$ make && make run                      # to build and run a test container

$ make sh                               # to enter the container

$ cd copr/beaker-tests/Regression/dist-git

$ ./                          # run the test-suite (this will start with calling the script), in the end you should see lots of GREEN checks saying: 'PASS'


We need to document our code, write documentation for users. Do you want to write it?

We need general documentation of Copr. You did not find documentation for the task you are currently doing? Just create a new wiki page and document what it is you did. Some existing documentation is outdated and you may review it and update it.

Help others

Or you can just hang on IRC or mailing list (see Communication) and try to answer questions others may have.