Writing Koji Code¶
Getting Started Hacking on Koji¶
This page gives an overview of the Koji code and then describes what needs to change if you want to add a new type of task. A new task could be for a new content type, or assembling the results of multiple builds together, or something else that helps your workflow. New contributors to Koji should leave this page knowing where to begin and have enough understanding of Koji’s architecture to be able to estimate how much work is still ahead of them.
Koji is written to support a variety of platforms and python versions, with some portions of Koji supported over a larger set than others. When making changes, please be considerate of those Supported Platforms.
Task Flow¶
A task starts with a user submitting it with the Koji client, which is a command line interface. This contacts the hub, an apache-based server application. It leaves a row in the database that represents a “free” task, one that has not been assigned to a builder. Periodically, the builders asynchronously ping the hub asking if there are any tasks available, and at some point one will be given the new task. The hub marks this in the database, and the builder begins executing the task (a build).
Upon completion, the builder uploads the results to the hub, including logs, binaries, environment information, and whatever else the task handler for the build dictated. The hub moves the results to a permanent shared storage solution, and marks the task as completed (or failed). During this whole time, the webUI can be used to check up on progress. So the flow of work is:
Client -> Hub -> Builder -> Hub
If you wanted to add a new build type or task that was tightly integrated in Koji’s data model, you would need to modify the CLI, Hub, Builder, and WebUI at a minimum. Alternatively, you could do this with a plugin, which is far simpler but less flexible.
Tasks’ states are following:
- Task was created and waits in the queueOPEN
- Task was grabbed by some builder and is running nowCLOSED
- Succesffuly finished task.CANCELED
- Task which was either manually cancelled or some sibling task already failed, so it would be wasteful to continue with this one so parent task will cancel it.ASSIGNED
- Task can be manually (admin) assigned to specific builder bypassing channel policy. This behaviour can be forbidden via policy, so in some instances this could be unreachable state.FAILED
- Task failed from some reason (typically build process failed)
![digraph task_states {
"FREE" [color="blue", penwidth=2]
"OPEN" [shape="box", color="orange", penwidth=2]
"CLOSED" [shape="box", color="green", penwidth=2]
"CANCELED" [shape="box", color="yellow", penwidth=2]
"ASSIGNED" [shape="box", color="purple", penwidth=2]
"FAILED" [shape="box", color="red", penwidth=2]
FREE -> OPEN[label="builder picks the task\nand starts it\n[builder]"]
FREE -> ASSIGNED[label="task is assigned\nto specific builder\n[admin]"]
OPEN -> CLOSED[label="task is successfully\nfinished\n[builder]"]
OPEN -> FAILED[label="task fails\n[builder]"]
OPEN -> CANCELED[label="task is automatically\nor manually canceled\n[builder/owner/admin]"]
OPEN -> ASSIGNED[label="task is forced to\nrun on specific builder\n[admin]"]
OPEN -> FREE[label="task is freed\n[admin]"]
ASSIGNED -> OPEN[label="builder starts\nwork on task\n[builder]"]
ASSIGNED -> CANCELED[label="task is automatically\nor manually canceled\n[builder/owner/admin]"]
FAILED -> FREE[label="task is \nresubmitted\n[owner/admin]"]
CANCELED -> FREE[label="task is \nresubmitted\n[owner/admin]"]
If task is OPEN
it starts with task’s starting weight
which is different
for different task types. Every builder has some set capacity
according to
its resources and can accept new task only if sum(weight) < capacity
Furthermore, task’s weight
is further increased based on statistics from
previous runs and current running time, so you can sometimes see that builder’s
is above its capacity
Tasks which are currently waiting on some of its subtasks have its weight
temporarily ignored and they are effectively sleeping. (getTaskInfo
API call
returns all these values).
Note, that cancelling task doesn’t immediately stop it. Builder is polling hub and only in the upcoming call it will acknowledge that some of tasks it is running was cancelled meanwhile. Only in that point it will kill the corresponding thread and run cleanup routine. Nevertheless, it is the implementation detail as cancelled task will not affect anything in the db/filer as its data get cleaned.
Component Overview¶
Koji is comprised of several components, this section goes into details for each one, and what you potentially may need to change. Every component is written in Python, so you will need to know that language beyond a beginner level.
koji-client is a command line interface that provides many hooks into Koji. It allows the user to query much of the data as well as perform actions such as adding users and initiating build requests.
Option Handling¶
The code is in cli/koji
. It uses OptionParsers
extensively with
interspersed arguments disabled. That means these two commands are not
interpreted the same:
$ koji -u admin -p password tag-build some-tag --force some-build
$ koji tag-build -u admin -p password some-tag --force some-build
The second one will generate an error, because -u and -p are not options
for tag-build, they must show up before that because they are global
options that can be used with any subcommand. There will be two
used with each command. The first is used to pick up
arguments to koji
itself, and the second for the subcommand
specified. When the first one executes (see get_options()
) it will
figure out the subcommand and come up with a function name based on it.
The convention is to prepend the word handle_
before it, and change
all hyphens to underscores. If a command does not require an account
with Koji, the function handle will prepended with anon_handle_
instead. The code will dynamically call the derived function handle
which is where the second OptionParser
is used to parse the
remaining options. To have your code log into Koji (you’re writing a
handle_ function), use the activate_session
function. All function
signatures in the client code will get a session object, which is your
interface to the hub.
It is possible to run the Koji client with different configuration
profiles so that you can interact with multiple Koji instances easily.
The --profile
option to the Koji command itself enables this. You
should have a ~/.koji/config
already, if not just copy from
to get a start. The profile command accepts an
argument that matches a section in that config file. So if your config
file had this:
authtype = ssl
server = https://koji.fedoraproject.org/kojihub
topdir = /mnt/koji
weburl = https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji
#pkgurl = https://koji.fedoraproject.org/packages
cert = ~/.fedora.cert
ca = ~/.fedora-upload-ca.cert
serverca = ~/.fedora-server-ca.cert
server = https://koji.mydomain.com/kojihub
authtype = kerberos
topdir = /mnt/koji
weburl = https://koji.mydomain.com/koji
topurl = https://download.mydomain.com/kojifiles
you could pass Fedora or MyKoji to –profile.
Creating Tasks¶
Once options are processed and understood, a task needs to be created on
the hub so that a builder can come along and take it. This is
accomplished with the makeTask
method (defined on the Hub, so call
it on the session
object). The name of the task should match the
name given to the task handler in the builder, which is explained later
Be sure to process the channel, priority, background, and watch/nowatch parameters too, which should be available to most new tasks. They’ll be buried in the first argument to your handler function, which captures the options passed to the base Koji command.
If the client needs to make locally-available artifacts (config files,
sources, kickstarts) accessible to the builder, it must be uploaded to
the hub. This is the case with uploading SRPMs or kickstarts. You can
easily upload this content with the session.uploadWrapper
You can create progress bars as necessary with this snippet:
if _running_in_bg() or task_opts.noprogress:
callback = None
callback = _progress_callback
serverdir = unique_path('cli-image') # create a unique path on the hub
session.uploadWrapper(somefile, serverdir, callback=callback)
Task Arguments¶
If you define a new task for Koji, you’ll want the task submission output to have the options ordered usefully. This output is automatically generated, but sometimes it does not capture the more important arguments you want displayed.
Created task 10001810
Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...
10001810 thing (noarch): free
10001810 thing (noarch): free -> closed
0 free 0 open 1 done 0 failed
10001810 thing (noarch) completed successfully
In this (fake) example, you can see that “noarch” is the only option
being displayed, but maybe you want something more than just the task
architecture displayed, like some other options that were passed in. You
can fix this behavior in koji/__init__.py
in the _taskLabel
function. Here you can define the string(s) to display when Koji
receives status on a task. That is the return value.
Using multicall¶
Koji supports XML-RPC multicalls. Clients can send multiple calls to a hub in a single request. This is a faster and more efficient way to make many related calls, and it reduces overhead on the client and server.
The ClientSession
class provides support for this and there are several
examples in the existing client code. Some examples in the cli include:
, add-pkg
, disable-host
, and list-hosts
Using MultiCallSession
Koji tracks individual muticalls for a session with a MultiCallSession
object. To create one, call your session’s multicall()
method. Use this
object like a session, but it will store calls rather than sending
immediately. To execute the calls, call the call_all()
task_ids_to_cancel = [123, 456, 789]
m = session.multicall()
for task_id in task_ids_to_cancel:
Alternatively, you can use this as a context manager. The following is equivalent:
task_ids_to_cancel = [123, 456, 789]
with session.multicall() as m:
for task_id in task_ids_to_cancel:
When the context manager exits, the client sends the multicall to the hub
(implicitly executing call_all()
Another example, getting a list of tag names from ids:
with session.multicall() as m:
tags = [m.getTag(tag_id) for tag_id in my_tag_ids]
for tag in tags:
Each method you call on a MultiCallSession
object will return a
object that stands in for the result.
Once you send the multicall and the hub executes it, you can access the result
of each call via the result
property on each VirtualCall
object. (You
must execute the call before accessing the .result
property, or
will raise an exception.)
Two parameters affect the behavior of the multicall.
If the
parameter is set toTrue
, the multicall will raise the first error it encounters, if any.If the
parameter is set to a number greater than zero, the multicall will spread the calls across multiple multicall batches of at most that number.
You may pass these parameters to the call_all()
method, or you may pass
them when you initialize MultiCallSession
with session.multicall(strict=True, batch=500) as m:
builds = [m.getBuild(build_id) for build_id in mylist]
Deprecated: Using ClientSession.multiCall
This section describes the old (modal) way to make multicalls in Koji: set
the .multicall
property to True
and call the .multiCall()
method on the ClientSession
object. You cannot make other normal calls
until you complete the multicall with .multiCall()
Please switch your code to use the newer multicall()
pattern described
above. Only use this older-style code pattern if you must support Koji
versions prior to 1.18.
To use the feature, you first set the multicall
attribute of the session
to True
. Once this is done, the session will not immediately process
further calls but will instead store their parameters for later. To tell the
session to process them, use the multiCall()
method (note the
The multiCall()
method returns a list of results, one for each call
in the multicall. Each result with either be:
the result of the call wrapped in a singleton list
a dictionary representing the error raised by the call
Here is a simple example from the koji-tools package:
session.multicall = True
for host in hosts:
for host, [channels] in zip(hosts, session.multiCall(strict=True)):
host['channels'] = channels
Note that when using multicall for informational calls, it is important
to keep track of which result is which. Here we use the existing hosts
list as a unifying index. Python’s zip
function is useful here.
Also note the unpacking of the singletons.
The multiCall()
method supports a few options. Here is its signature:
multiCall(strict=False, batch=None):
If the strict option is set to True, then this method will raise the first error it encounters, if any.
If the batch option is set to a number greater than zero, the calls will be spread across multiple multicall batches of at most this number.
The hub processes multicalls in a single database transaction. Note that if
the batch
option is used, then each batch is a separate multicall in the
api and therefore a separate transaction.
koji-hub is the center of all Koji operations. It is an XML-RPC server running under mod_wsgi in Apache. koji-hub is passive in that it only receives XML-RPC calls and relies upon the build daemons and other components to initiate communication. koji-hub is the only component that has direct access to the database and is one of the two components that have write access to the file system. If you want to make changes to the webUI (new pages or themes), you are looking in the wrong section, there is a separate component for that.
Implementation Details¶
The hub/kojihub.py file is where the server-side code lives. If you need to fix any server problems or want to add any new tasks, you will need to modify this file. Changes to the database schema will almost certainly require code changes too. This file gets deployed to /usr/share/koji-hub/kojihub.py, whenever you make changes to that remember to restart httpd. Also there are cases where httpd looks for an existing .pyc file and takes it as-is, instead of re-compiling it when the code is changed.
In the code there are two large classes: RootExports and HostExports. RootExports exposes methods using XMLRPC for any client that connects to the server. The Koji CLI makes use of this quite a bit. If you want to expose a new API to any remote system, add your code here. The HostExports class does the same thing except it will ensure the requests are only coming from builders. Attempting to use an API exposed here with the CLI will fail. If your work requires the builders to call a new API, you should implement it here. Any other function defined in this file is inaccessible by remote hosts. It is generally a good practice to have the exposed APIs do very little work, and pass off control to internal functions to do the heavy lifting.
Database Interactions¶
Database interactions are done with raw query strings, not with any kind of modern ORM. Consider using context objects from the Koji contexts library for thread-safe interactions. The database schema is captured in the docs directory in the root of a git clone. A visualization of the schema is not available at the time of this writing.
If you plan to introduce schema changes, please update both
and provide a migration script if necessary.
The hub runs in an Apache service, so you will need to look in Apache logs for error messages if you are encountering 500 errors or the service is failing to start. Specifically you want to check in:
If you need more specific tracebacks and debugging data, consider changing the debugging setting in /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf. Be advised the hub is very verbose with this setting on, your logs will take up gigabytes of space within several days.
kojid is the build daemon that runs on each of the build machines. Its primary responsibility is polling for incoming build requests and handling them accordingly. Essentially kojid asks koji-hub for work. Koji also has support for tasks other than building. Creating install images is one example. kojid is responsible for handling these tasks as well. kojid uses mock for building. It also creates a fresh buildroot for every build. kojid is written in Python and communicates with koji-hub via XML-RPC.
Implementation Details¶
The daemon runs as a service on a host that is traditionally not the
same as the hub or webUI. This is a good security practice because the
service runs as root, and executes untrusted code to produce builds on a
regular basis. Keeping the Hub separate limits the damage a malicious
package can do to the build system as a whole. For the same reason, the
filesystem that the hub keeps built software on should be mounted
Read-Only on the build host. It should call APIs on the hub that are
exposed through the HostExports
class in the hub code. Whenever the
builder accepts a task, it forks a process to carry out the build.
An initscript/unit-file is available for kojid, so it can be stopped and started like a normal service. Remember to do this when you deploy changes!
All tasks in kojid have a TaskHandler
class that defines what to do
when the task is picked up from the hub. The base class is defined in
where a lot of useful utility methods are available.
An example is uploadFile
, which is used to upload logs and built
binaries from a completed build to the hub since the shared filesystem
is read only.
The daemon code lives in builder/kojid
, which is deployed to
/usr/sbin/kojid. In there you’ll notice that each task handler class has
a Methods
member and _taskWeight
member. These must be defined,
and the former is used to match the name of a waiting task (on the hub)
with the task handler code to execute. Each task handler object must
have a handler
method defined, which is the entry point for the
forked process when a builder accepts a task.
Tasks can have subtasks, which is a typical model when a build can be run on multiple architectures. In this case, developers should write 2 task handlers: one handles the build for exact one architecture, and one that assembles the results of those tasks into a single build, and sends status information to the hub. You can think of the latter handler as the parent task.
All task handler objects have a session
object defined, which is the
interface to use for communications with the hub. So, parent tasks
should kick off child tasks using the session object’s subtask method
(which is part of HostExports). It should then call self.wait
to wait for the results of the child tasks.
Here’s a stub of what a new build task might look like:
class BuildThingTask(BaseTaskHandler):
Methods = ['thing']
_taskWeight = 0.5
def handler(self, a, b, arches, options):
subtasks = {}
for arch in arches:
subtasks[arch] = session.host.subtask(method='thingArch', a, b, arch)
results = self.wait(subtasks.values(), all=True)
# parse results and put rows in database
# put files in their final resting place
return 'Build successful'
class BuildThingArchTask(BaseTaskHandler):
Methods = ['thingArch']
_taskWeight = 2.0
def handler(self, a, b, arch):
# do the build, capture results in a variable
return result
Source Control Managers¶
If you your build needs to check out code from a Source Control Manager
(SCM) such as git or subversion, you can use SCM objects defined in
. They take a specially formed URL as an argument to
the constructor. Here’s an example use. The second line is important, it
makes sure the SCM is in the whitelist of SCMs allowed in
or in build_from_scm
section of hub policy.
scm = SCM(url)
'user_id': self.taskinfo['owner'],
'channel': self.session.getChannel(self.taskinfo['channel_id'],
'scratch': opts.get('scratch')
directory = scm.checkout('/checkout/path', session, uploaddir, logfile)
Checking out takes 4 arguments: where to checkout, a session object (which is how authentication is handled), a directory to upload the log to, and a string representing the log file name. Using this method Koji will checkout (or clone) a remote repository and upload a log of the standard output to the task results.
Build Root Objects¶
It is encouraged to build software in mock chroots if appropriate. That
way Koji can easily track precise details about the environment in which
the build was executed. In builder/kojid
a BuildRoot class is
defined, which provides an interface to execute mock commands. Here’s an
example of their use:
broot = BuildRoot(self.session, self.options, build_tag, arch, self.id)
A session object, task options, and a build tag should be passed in as-is. You should also specify the architecture and the task ID. If you ever need to pass in specialized options to mock, look in the ImageTask.makeImgBuildRoot method to see how they are defined and passed in to the BuildRoot constructor.
The daemon writes a log file to /var/log/kojid.log
. Debugging output
can be turned on in /etc/kojid/kojid.conf
koji-web is a set of scripts that run in mod_wsgi and use the Cheetah templating engine to provide a web interface to Koji. It acts as a client to koji-hub providing a visual interface to perform a limited amount of administration. koji-web exposes a lot of information and also provides a means for certain operations, such as cancelling builds.
The web pages are derived from Cheetah templates, the syntax of which
you can read up on
here. These
templates are the chtml
files sitting in www/kojiweb
. You’ll
notice quickly that these templates are referencing variables, but where
do they come from?
The www/kojiweb/index.py
file provides them. There are several
functions named after the templates they support, and in each one a
dictionary called values
is populated. This is how data is gathered
about the task, build, archive, or whatever the page is about. Take your
time with taskinfo.chtml
in particular, as the conditionals there
have gotten quite long. If you are adding a new task to Koji, you will
need to extend this at a minimum. A new type of build task would require
this, and possibly another that is specific to viewing the archived
information about the build. (taskinfo vs. buildinfo)
If your web page needs to display the contents of a list or dictionary,
use the $printMap
function to help with that. It is often sensible
to define a function that easily prints options and values in a
dictionary. An example of this is in taskinfo.chtml.
#def printOpts($opts)
#if $opts
$printMap($opts, ' ')
#end if
#end def
Finally, if you need to expand the drop-down menus of “method” types
when searching for tasks in the WebUI, you will need to add them to the
list in www/kojiweb/index.py
. Add values where
appropriate to _TOPLEVEL_TASKS
as well so that
parent-child relationships show up correctly too.
Remember whenever you update a template or index.py, you will need to deploy and restart apache/httpd!
Like the hub, this component is backed by apache, so you should follow the same techniques for debugging Koji-Web as Koji-Hub.
kojira is a daemon that keeps the build root repodata updated. It is responsible for removing redundant build roots and cleaning up after a build request is completed.
Development Environment¶
Best development environment would be to install koji as expected via Server How To. This would leave you with fully functional environment able to build everything koji can. Also, it is a good exercise to understand how all the parts interact. Of course, it is time consuming, so various people created following environments:
Vagrant environment with ansible provisioning: https://github.com/ktdreyer/koji-playbooks/tree/master/vagrant
Light container-based environment (e.g. can’t build images): https://github.com/tkopecek/koji-container-dev
Vagrant-based: https://pagure.io/koji-vagrant
Vagrant-based: https://pagure.io/koji/pull-request/420
Building and Deploying Changes¶
The root of the git clone for Koji code contains a Makefile
that has
a few targets to make building and deployment a little easier. Among
them are:
: create a bz2 tarball that could be consumed in an rpm buildrpm
: create Koji rpms. The NVRs will be defined by the spec file, which is also in the same directory. The results will appear in anoarch
: like rpm, but append the Release field with a date and time stamp for easy upgrade-deployment
Writing Koji plugins¶
There is a separate documentation page Writing Koji plugins.
Submitting Changes¶
To submit code changes for Koji, please file a pull request in Pagure.
Here are some guidelines on producing preferable pull requests.
Each request should be a coherent whole, e.g. a single feature or bug fix. Please do not bundle a series of unrelated changes into a single PR
Pull requests in Pagure come from a branch in your personal fork of Koji (either in Pagure or a remote git repo). Please use an appropriately named branch for this. Do not use the master branch of your fork. Also, please be aware that Pagure will automatically update the pull request if you modify the source branch
Your branch should be based against the current HEAD of the target branch
Please adhere to PEP8. While much of the older code in Koji does not, we try to stick to it with new code
Code which is imported into CLI or needed for stand-alone API calls must run in both 2.6+ and 3.x python versions. We use the python-six library for compatibility. The affected files are:
Check, that unit tests are not broken. Simply run
make test
in main directory of your branch to check both python2/3 compatible-code. Or you can also usemake test2
ormake test3
target for each of them.
Note that the core development team for Koji is small, so it may take a few days for someone to reply to your request.
Partial work¶
Pull requests are for changes that are complete and ready for inclusion, but sometimes you have partial work that you may want feedback on. Please don’t submit a PR before your code is complete.
The preferred way to request early feedback is to push your changes to a your own koji fork and then send an email to koji-devel AT lists.fedorahosted.org requesting review. This approach is one step short of a PR, making it easy to upgrade to a PR once the changes are ready.
Unit Tests¶
Koji comes with a small test suite, that you should always run when making
changes to the code. To do so, just run make test
in your terminal.
You can run the tests from your local and you will need to install the following packages to actually run the tests.
- For py3 instances:
Other packages are installed by test-requirements.txt.
- For py2 instances:
Other packages are installed by test-requirements-py2.txt.
You can use containers for the tests. Dockerfiles are placed in devtools/containers directory. Supported Dockerfiles:
Please note that it is currently not supported to use virtualenv when hacking on Koji.
Unit tests are run automatically for any commit in master branch. We use Fedora’s jenkins instance for that. Details are given here: Unit tests in Fedora’s Jenkins.
Further testing¶
Currently we automatically build two versions of rpms in Fedora’s Copr. First one is simple “master” branch and is available here. These RPMs are early release candidates before we tag each final release. Second one lives here and contains the “master” branch with all the in-progress pull requests that have “testing-ready” flag. Both repos are built once per four hours if there are new changes in pagure.
Code Style¶
We are using flake8
to check the code style. Please refer to .flake8
find the PEP8 and extra rules we are following/ignoring.
You will need to install the packages below to run the check.
Release process¶
Merging PRs¶
We’re not using pagure’s merge button as it doesn’t do everything we want. Instead pg script is used.
pg pr checkout <PR number>
will checkout given PR and it can be reviewed locally. It can be rebased in this time or it can be done automatically in the moment of merging:
pg pr merge -r
This will merge the changes, fetch info from pagure, and show you the current git changelog. The changelog should be looked over for any issues, and it will require special formatting so pagure will close out the release notes pull request automatically.
For example, you’ll want the ‘Merges’ and ‘Fixes’ lines.
The unit tests should be run before pushing if there were any new code changes
since the last tests. After that, it will be ready to push. Test with git push
first before the push to make sure it’s correct.
Release Notes¶
There should be separate PR with release notes (and version bumps) for every release.
Pushing the Code¶
Once Koji is ready to release, double check that the release notes are the only open pull request. If that’s the case, the release notes are ready to merge.
Once the code is pushed, make sure all the PRs in the release roadmap are closed, including the release notes PR.
Now the release should be tagged. All Koji releases have been signed, using this command:
git tag -a -s -m 'Koji 1.18.0' koji-1.18.0
Then the tag must be pushed:
git push origin refs/tags/koji-1.18.0
To create the tarball, run make tarball
from the base koji directory. You
should then copy the tarball to some other directory, just to have a backup. The
tarball should be uploaded through the pagure interface, though the upload can
also be done via ssh.
Once it’s uploaded, download it and check the shasum against your local tarball. If there are no issues, Koji’s code release is complete.
Updating the Site¶
The next step is to update the Koji site with the new docs and release notes. This content is based in a separate repo from the Koji one.
Simple bash script for this repo could be used, kdoc
. Using kdoc
, run
these commands in the docs repo:
kdoc release-1.18.0:test
checks out the master branch of the koji git repo, constructs docs from
that, and copies those changes into the doc repo. Once the changes are in place,
commit them and push them to your fork:
git commit -m 'koji 1.18.0 release'
git diff --stat test
git push mikem
Check your fork to make sure everything looks good (for example, check against a previous release), then push the changes with ‘git push.’
# kdoc shell script
set -x
set -e
# TODO more sanity checks
if test -n "$branches"; then
test -n "$src" && SBRANCH=$src
test -n "$dst" && DBRANCH=$dst
cd "$KDIR/docs"
test -n "$SBRANCH" && git checkout $SBRANCH
make dirhtml
cd "$DOCDIR"
test -n "$DBRANCH" && git checkout $DBRANCH
rsync -avPH --delete --exclude .git "$KDIR/docs/build/dirhtml/" "$DOCDIR/"
git status
echo "Docdir is: $DOCDIR"
Pushing to PyPi¶
All releases should also go to PyPi repository, even if we’ve not publicly announced, that it is the supported delivery channel.
dnf install twine
make pypi
make pypi-upload
Release Email¶
The last step is to send out an email to koji-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org. See previous release emails for how to format the message.
Generally the email should include a link to the release notes, list some highlights from the release, links to the release roadmap and current roadmap, and a link to the download.
Required Permissions¶
Merge permissions for the koji repo
Merge permissions / access to the docs repo
Key for signing