Hub Configuration Options

The hub can be configured via one or more ini-style configuration files. Options below should be placed in the [hub] section of these files.

These files can also contain a [policy] section for configuring policies. This is described in policy.

File locations

By default, koji-hub will read a primary configuration file at /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf and any number of supplemental configuration files in the /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf.d directory. Options in the primary configuration file take precedence in case of duplication.

If needed, these locations can be changed by setting the environment variables koji.hub.ConfigFile and koji.hub.ConfigDir respectively, e.g. by using the SetEnv directive in the httpd configuration.

A common pattern is to place policy rules and/or sensitive values in separate configuration files.

File permissions

Note some configuration options (e.g. database password) are sensitive values. Our default packaging installs hub.conf with 0640 root/apache file permissions. If you’re installing some other way, we recommend that you double-check these permissions.

Basic options


Type: string

Default: None

The name of the database that the hub should connect to.


Type: string

Default: None

The hostname that the database is running on.

Note: If your database server is running locally and you would like to connect via Unix socket instead of TCP, then omit the DBHost and DBPort options. If you set DBHost to localhost, then the connection will be over TCP.


Type: string

Default: None

The port to use when connecting to the database over TCP.


Type: string

Default: None

The database user to connect as.


Type: string

Default: None

The password for connecting to the database.

Please ensure that your hub configuration file(s) have appropriate file permissions before placing sensitive data in them.


Type: string

Default: None

The connection string (dsn) for connecting to the database. This overrides the other DB* options. This value is passed through to psycopg2 and would typically look something like: dbname=koji user=koji port=5432 password=example_password


Type: string

Default: /mnt/koji

This is the root directory for koji files.

The database connection can be specified either by the single DBConnectionString option, or by other individual DB* options. If given, the DBConnectionString option takes precedence.

General authentication options


Type: boolean

Default: True

Use user IP in session management.


Type: boolean

Default: True

Whether or not to automatically create a new user from valid ssl or gssapi credentials.


Type: integer

Default: 1440

The number of minutes before sessions are required to re-authenticate. Set to 0 for no timeout.

GSSAPI authentication options

The following options control aspects of authentication when using mod_auth_gssapi.


Type: string

Default: None

A comma separated list of principals that are allowed to perform proxy authentication. This ability is only intended for kojiweb.


Type: string

Default: None

This format string is used to set the principal when adding new hosts. The %s is expanded to the hostname. If a specific principal is given to the add-host command then this option is not used.


Type: string

Default: *

Allowed Kerberos Realms. The default value “*” indicates any Realm is allowed. This is a comma separated list.


Type: boolean

Default: False

If True, enables backwards compatible behavior in the handling of the ProxyDNs option. The default value of False is recommended.


Type: boolean

Default: False

If set to False, it enables older clients to log in via session parameters encoded in URL. New behaviour uses header-based parameteres. This default will be changed in future to True effectively disabling older clients. It is encouraged to set it to True as soon as possible when no older clients are using the hub. (Added in 1.30, will be removed in 1.34)

Enabling gssapi auth also requires settings in the httpd config.

SSL client certificate auth configuration

If using SSL auth, these settings need to be valid and in line with other services configurations for kojiweb to allow logins.


Type: string

Default: CN

The client username is the common name of the subject of their client certificate.


Type: string

Default: ''

If specified, the given DNs are allowed to perform proxy authentication. This ability is only intended for kojiweb. Multiple DNs can be separated with the vertical bar character, |.

Enabling ssl auth also requires editing the httpd config (conf.d/kojihub.conf).

Notification options


Type: string

Default: http://localhost.localdomain/koji

This specifies the URL address of Koji web. This setting affects the links that appear in notification messages.


Type: string

Default: None

Email domain name that koji will append to usernames when creating email notifications.


Type: boolean

Default: True

Whether to send the task owner and package owner email or not on success. This still goes to watchers.


Type: boolean

Default: False

Disables all notifications

For more on notifications in Koji, see Notifications

Resource limits

If configured, the following resource limits are applied by the hub at startup. Each value defaults to None, meaning no limit is applied. If given, the value should be either a single integer or a pair of integers separated by whitespace.

If a pair of integers is given, this sets both the soft and hard limits for the resource. If a single integer is given, only the soft limit is set.


Type: string

Default: None

This is the maximum size of the process’s virtual memory (address space). The limit is specified in bytes, and is rounded down to the system page size.


Type: string

Default: None

This is the maximum size of a core file in bytes that the process may dump. When 0, no core dump file are created. When nonzero, larger dumps are truncated to this size.


Type: string

Default: None

This is a limit, in seconds, on the amount of CPU time that the process can consume.


Type: string

Default: None

This is the maximum size of the process’s data segment (initialized data, uninitialized data, and heap). The limit is specified in bytes, and is rounded down to the system page size.


Type: string

Default: None

This is the maximum size in bytes of files that the process may create.


Type: string

Default: None

This is the maximum number of bytes of memory that may be locked into RAM. This limit is in effect rounded down to the nearest multiple of the system page size.


Type: string

Default: None

This specifies a value one greater than the maximum file descriptor number that can be opened by this process.


Type: string

Default: None

This is a limit on the number of extant process (or, more precisely on Linux, threads) for the real user ID of the calling process.


Type: string

Default: None

This specifies a value one greater than the maximum file descriptor number that can be opened by this process. This limit was on BSD.


Type: string

Default: None

This is a limit (in bytes) on the process’s resident set (the number of virtual pages resident in RAM).


Type: string

Default: None

This is the maximum size of the process stack, in bytes.

Additionally, the following options govern resource-related behavior.


Type: int

Default: 5000

If memory consumption rises more than this value (in kilobytes) while handling a single request, a warning will be emitted to the log


Type: int

Default: 4194304

This sets the maximum request length that the hub will process. If a longer request is encountered, the hub will stop reading it and return an error.

Extended features

Koji includes limited support for building via Maven or under Windows.


Type: boolean

Default: False

This option enables support for building with Maven.


Type: boolean

Default: False

This option enables support for Windows builds.

Koji hub plugins

The hub supports plugins, which are loaded from the PluginPath directory.


Type: string

Default: /usr/lib/koji-hub-plugins

The path where plugins are found.


Type: string

Default: ''

A space-separated list of plugins to load. Each entry should be the name of a plugin file (without the .py). Only plugins from the configured PluginPath can be loaded.

Koji debugging

The following options are primarily intended for debugging Koji’s behavior.


Type: boolean

Default: False

If KojiDebug is on, the hub will be /very/ verbose and will report exception details to clients for anticipated errors (i.e. koji’s own exceptions – subclasses of koji.GenericError).

This option is only intended for specialized debugging and should be left off in production environments.


Type: string

Default: None

This determines how much detail about exceptions is reported to the client (via faults). The meaningful values are:

  • normal - a basic traceback (format_exception)

  • extended - an extended traceback (format_exc_plus)

If left unset, the default behavior is to omit the traceback and just report the error class and message.

Note: the extended traceback is intended for debugging only and should NOT be used in production, since it may contain sensitive information.


Type: string

Default: WARNING

This option controls the log level the hub logs. Koji uses the standard Python logging module and the standard log level names.

Setting multiple log levels for different parts of the hub code is possible. The option is treated as a space-separated list log level directives, which can be either a single log level name (sets the default log level) or a logger:level pair (sets the log level for the given logger namespace).

For example, you could set:

LogLevel = INFO koji.db:DEBUG

To see debug logging only for the db module.



Default: %(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] m=%(method)s u=%(user_name)s p=%(process)s r=%(remoteaddr)s %(name)s: %(message)s

This sets the log format string for log messages issued by the hub code. In addition to the normal values available from the logging module, the hub’s log formatter provides:

  • method – the method name for the call being processed

  • user_id – the id of the user making the call

  • user_name – the name of the user making the call

  • session_id – the session_id of the call

  • callnum – the callnum value for the session

  • remoteaddr – the ip address and port (colon separated) that the call is coming from

Hub Policy


Type: boolean

Default: False

If VerbosePolicy (or KojiDebug) is on, ‘policy violation’ messages will report the policy rule which caused the denial.


Type: boolean

Default: True

If MissingPolicyOk is on, and a given policy is not defined, the policy check will return ‘allow’, otherwise such cases will result in ‘deny’.

Koji outages options

These options are intended for planned outages.


Type: boolean

Default: False

If ServerOffline is True, the server will always report a ServerOffline fault (with OfflineMessage as the fault string).


Type: string

Default: None

This controls the error message that is reported when ServerOffline is set.


Type: boolean

Default: False

If Lockout is True, the server will report a ServerOffline fault for most non-admin requests.

Name verification

Currently we have two groups for name verification:
  • internal names

  • user names

Group internal names is currently used for:
  • archive type

  • btype

  • channel

  • external repo

  • group

  • host

  • kerberos

  • permission

  • tag

  • target

  • volume

Group user names is currently used for:
  • user

  • host

Host names are listed in both groups because hosts always have an associated user entry.


Type: string

Default: 256

Set length of internal names. By default there is allowed length set up to 256. When length is set up to 0, length verifying is disabled.


Type: string

Default: ^[A-Za-z0-9/_.+-]+$

Set regex for verify an internal names. When regex string is empty, verifying is disabled.

RegexUserName = ^[A-Za-z0-9/_.@-]+$

Type: string

Default: ^[A-Za-z0-9/_.@-]+$

Set regex for verify a user name and kerberos. User name and kerberos have in default set up allowed ‘@’ and ‘/’ chars on top of basic name regex for internal names. When regex string is empty, verifying is disabled.

Default checksums types

We have default checksums types for create rpm checksums.


Type: string

Default: md5 sha256

Set RPM default checksums type. Default value is set up to md5 sha256.