Koji Profiles

Koji clients can connect to multiple Koji instances via “profiles”. These are configuration sections that describe how to connect to different environments.

Command Line Interface

By default, the koji CLI will use a profile named koji. (This profile is Fedora’s production Koji environment.)

You can choose a different profile on the CLI. For example, to choose CentOS’s “cbs” profile instead:

  • Run koji with --profile=cbs, for example koji --profile cbs list-hosts.

  • Symlink or alias the profile name to the koji executable. For example, ln -s /usr/bin/koji /usr/bin/cbs or alias cbs=koji. The CLI will use the executable name as the profile name, so you can simply run cbs list-hosts.

Configuration Files

The Koji client searches for profile definitions in the following locations:

  • /etc/koji.conf

  • /etc/koji.conf.d/*.conf

  • ~/.koji/config.d/*.conf

  • The --config=FILE option on the CLI

Koji reads all these files and searches for [$profile_name] sections. For example, if you use a profile named cbs, the Koji client will search for a section titled [cbs] in the files.

Using Koji Profiles in Python

Instead of using the koji Python module directly, you can get a profile-specific module by calling:

mykoji = koji.get_profile_module("cbs")

This mykoji module is clone of the koji module with additional profile-specific tweaks.

You can read all the settings in the profile configuration with the .config property:

mykoji.config        # optparse.Values object
vars(mykoji.config)  # plain python dict


Print configurations for multiple profiles:

import koji

fedora_koji = koji.get_profile_module("koji")
stage_koji = koji.get_profile_module("stg")

for this_koji in (fedora_koji, stage_koji):
    print("PROFILE: %s" % this_koji.config.profile)
    for key, value in sorted(vars(this_koji.config).items()):
        print("    %s = %s" % (key, value))

Use ClientSession to send RPCs to the hub:

import koji

mykoji = koji.get_profile_module("koji")
client = mykoji.ClientSession(mykoji.config.server)