Invalidate Cached SUDO Rules

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Problem statement

Currently sss_cache can’t be used to reliably invalidate sudo rules.

Use cases

Usually if admin changes sudo rules he would like to see an effect immediately.

Overview of the solution

Sudo rules are stored in sss_cache. Sometimes smart or full refresh of sudo rules is done, but there is no effective way to invalidate them (see

Solution consists of two steps:

  1. Invalidate sudo rules by setting expiration time to 0 which can prevent to use old rules.
  2. Trigger full refresh (and maybe even smart refresh) on demand.

Implementation details

Invalidating sudo rules

SSSD provides tool sss_cache for invalidating items.

$ sss_cache --help
Usage: sss_cache [OPTION...]
  -E, --everything            Invalidate all cached entries except for sudo rules
  -u, --user=STRING           Invalidate particular user
  -U, --users                 Invalidate all users
  -g, --group=STRING          Invalidate particular group
  -G, --groups                Invalidate all groups
  -n, --netgroup=STRING       Invalidate particular netgroup
  -N, --netgroups             Invalidate all netgroups
  -s, --service=STRING        Invalidate particular service
  -S, --services              Invalidate all services
  -a, --autofs-map=STRING     Invalidate particular autofs map
  -A, --autofs-maps           Invalidate all autofs maps
  -h, --ssh-host=STRING       Invalidate particular SSH host
  -H, --ssh-hosts             Invalidate all SSH hosts
  -d, --domain=STRING         Only invalidate entries from a particular domain

Help options:
  -?, --help                  Show this help message
      --usage                 Display brief usage message

We need:

  • add option --sudo-rule=STRING for invalidating only STRING named sudo rule,
  • add option --sudo-rules for invalidating all sudo rules,
  • change option --everything for invalidating sudo rules too.

For those changes we will provide new function sysdb_search_sudo_rule() in db/sysdb_sudo.{hc}.

sysdb_search_sudo_rules(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
                        struct sss_domain_info *domain,
                        const char *filter,
                        const char **attrs,
                        size_t *num_hosts,
                        struct ldb_message ***hosts)
/* Synopsis is inspired by other `sysdb_search_*()` functions. */

This new function be able to find sudo rule by given name (via filter).

On the other hand there is function sudosrv_get_sudorules_query_cache() in responder/sudo/sudosrv_get_sudorules.c which has very similar behavior. Maybe it is candidate for proxy and moving to db/sysdb_sudo.{hc}.

To Be Done

Implementation details

A more technical extension of the previous section. Might include low-level details, such as C structures, function synopsis etc. In case of very trivial features (e.g. a new option), this section can be merged with the previous one.

Configuration changes

Does your feature involve changes to configuration, like new options or options changing values? Summarize them here. There’s no need to go into too many details, that’s what man pages are for.

How To Test

This section should explain to a person with admin-level of SSSD understanding how this change affects run time behaviour of SSSD and how can an SSSD user test this change. If the feature is internal-only, please list what areas of SSSD are affected so that testers know where to focus.


Give credit to authors of the design in this section.