.. highlight:: none

Integrating with a Windows server using the LDAP provider

This describes how to configure SSSD to authenticate with a Windows Server
using ``id_provider=ldap``.

It is recommended to use the AD provider when connecting to an AD server,
for performance and ease of use reasons. Please see :doc:`ad_provider` for
a reference. There are two reasons where you might still want to use the
LDAP provider, though. One is if you are using a *very* old SSSD version,
the other reason is if you cannot or do not want join your GNU/Linux clients
to the AD domain.

Windows Server Setup

The domain to be configured is ``ad.example.com`` using realm
``AD.EXAMPLE.COM``, the Windows server is ``server.ad.example.com``, and the
client host where SSSD is running is ``client.ad.example.com``. Reboot
Windows during installation and setup when prompted and complete the
needed steps as Administrator.

Operating System Installation

-  Boot from the Windows installation media
-  Install Windows Server using the hostname ``server.ad.example.com``
-  Make sure ``server.ad.example.com`` is in DNS

Domain Configuration

-  In ``Server Manager`` add the ``Active Directory Domain Services`` role
-  Create a new domain named ``ad.example.com``
-  If you want to use POSIX attributes such as ``uidNumber`` in ``Server
   Manager`` add the ``Identity Management for UNIX`` Role Service for
   ``Active Directory Domain Services``, use the domain name
   for the NIS domain name

Enabling LDAP Searches

In order to allow SSSD to do LDAP searches for user information in AD
SSSD must be configured to bind with SASL/GSSAPI or DN/password. GSSAPI
is recommended for security reasons. However, using GSSAPI probably
mean you join the computer to the domain - at that point, it probably
makes sense to use the AD provider instead.

Using SASL/GSSAPI Binds for LDAP Searches

Create the service keytab for the host running SSSD on AD. Either do
this with Samba, or using Windows. Samba is recommended.

Creating Service Keytab with Samba

On the GNU/Linux client with properly configured ``/etc/krb5.conf`` (see
below) and suitable ``/etc/samba/smb.conf``::

    workgroup = EXAMPLE
    client signing = yes
    client use spnego = yes
    kerberos method = secrets and keytab
    log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
    password server = AD.EXAMPLE.COM
    realm = EXAMPLE.COM
    security = ads

-  ``net ads join -U Administrator``
-  Or do ``kinit Administrator`` first and use ``-k`` instead of ``-U Administrator``
-  Additional principals can be created later with ``net ads keytab add`` if needed.

You don't need a Domain Administrator account to do this, you just need an
account with sufficient rights to join a machine to the domain. This is a
notable advantage of this approach over generating the keytab directly on
the AD controller. If you're using NFS you may want to specify a different
createupn argument here. This does not cause any problems for sssd. This
would be done using::

    # net ads join createupn="nfs/client.ad.example.com@AD.EXAMPLE.COM" -U Administrator

Creating Service Keytab on AD

Do not do this step if you've already created a keytab using Samba.

On the Windows server:

-  Open ``Users & Computers`` snap-in -  Create a new ``Computer`` object
   named ``client`` (i.e., the name of the host running SSSD)
-  On the command prompt::

    # setspn -A host/client.ad.example.com@AD.EXAMPLE.COM client
    # setspn -L client
    # ktpass /princ host/client.ad.example.com@AD.EXAMPLE.COM /out client-host.keytab /crypto all /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -desonly /mapuser AD\\client$ /pass \*

- This sets the machine account password and UPN for the principal
- If you create additional keytabs for the host add ``-setpass -setupn`` for
  the above command to prevent resetting the machine password (thus changing
  kvno) and to prevent overwriting the UPN
- Transfer the keytab created in a secure manner to the client as
  ``/etc/krb5.keytab`` and make sure its permissions are correct::

   # chown root:root /etc/krb5.keytab
   # chmod 0600 /etc/krb5.keytab
   # restorecon /etc/krb5.keytab

See the ``GNU/Linux Client Setup`` section for verifying the keytab file and
the example sssd.conf below for the needed SSSD configuration.

Using DN/Password Binds for LDAP Searches

This method allows you to use SSSD against AD without joining the domain. Not
generally recommended but see the example sssd.conf below.

Adding a Group

-  Open ``Administrative Tools`` -> ``Active Directory Users and Computers``
-  Browse to ``ad.example.com``, then to ``Users``
-  Right click on ``Users`` and ``Create a New Group`` named ``unixusers``
-  Double click on the ``unixusers`` group then switch to the ``UNIX
   Attributes`` tab
-  Select the NIS Domain created earlier
-  Set the ``GID`` as appropriate

Adding a User

-  Open ``Administrative Tools`` -> ``Active Directory Users and Computers``
-  Browse to ``ad.example.com``, then to ``Users``
-  Right click on ``Users`` and ``Create a New User`` named ``aduser``
-  Make sure ``User must change password at next logon`` and ``Account is
   disabled`` are unchecked
-  Double click on the ``aduser`` group then switch to the ``UNIX
   Attributes`` tab
-  Select the NIS Domain created earlier
-  Set the ``UID`` as appropriate
-  Set the ``Login Shell`` to ``/bin/bash``
-  Set the ``Home Directory`` to ``/home/aduser``
-  Set ``Primary Group Name/GID`` to ``unixusers``

GNU/Linux Client Setup

-  Install ``sssd`` package on the GNU/Linux client machine
-  Make configuration changes to the files below
-  Start the ``sssd`` service


Make the following changes to your ``krb5.conf``::

    default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log

    default_realm = AD.EXAMPLE.COM
    dns_lookup_realm = true
    dns_lookup_kdc = true
    ticket_lifetime = 24h
    renew_lifetime = 7d
    rdns = false
    forwardable = yes

    # You may also want either of:
    # allow_weak_crypto = true
    # default_tkt_enctypes = arcfour-hmac

    # Define only if DNS lookups are not working
    # AD.EXAMPLE.COM = {
    #  kdc = server.ad.example.com
    #  admin_server = server.ad.example.com
    # }

    # Define only if DNS lookups are not working
    # .ad.example.com = AD.EXAMPLE.COM
    # ad.example.com = AD.EXAMPLE.COM

Make sure ``kinit aduser@AD.EXAMPLE.COM`` works properly. Add the
Windows server IP/hostname to ``/etc/hosts`` only if needed.

If using SASL/GSSAPI to bind to AD also test that the keytab is working

    # klist -ke
    # kinit -k CLIENT$@AD.EXAMPLE.COM

If you generated your keytab with a different createupn argument, it's
possible this won't work and the following works instead. This is absolutely
fine as far as sssd is concerned, and you can instead generate a ticket
for the UPN you have created::

    # kinit -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab nfs/client.ad.example.com@AD.EXAMPLE.COM

Now using this credential you've just created try fetching data from the
server with ``ldapsearch`` (in case of issues make sure
``/etc/openldap/ldap.conf`` does not contain any unwanted settings)::

    # /usr/bin/ldapsearch -H ldap://server.ad.example.com/ -Y GSSAPI -N -b "dc=ad,dc=example,dc=com" "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=aduser))"

By using the credential from the keytab, you've verified that this credential
has sufficient rights to retrieve user information.

After both ``kinit`` and ``ldapsearch`` work properly proceed to actual
SSSD configuration.


Example ``sssd.conf`` configuration, additional options can be added as

    domains = ad.example.com
    services = nss, pam



    # Unless you know you need referrals, turn them off
    ldap_referrals = false
    # Uncomment if you need offline logins
    # cache_credentials = true
    enumerate = false

    id_provider = ldap
    auth_provider = krb5
    chpass_provider = krb5
    access_provider = ldap

    # Uncomment if service discovery is not working
    #ldap_uri = ldap://server.ad.example.com/

    # Comment out if not using SASL/GSSAPI to bind
    ldap_sasl_mech = GSSAPI
    # Uncomment and adjust if the default principal host/fqdn@REALM is not available
    #ldap_sasl_authid = nfs/client.ad.example.com@AD.EXAMPLE.COM

    # Define these only if anonymous binds are not allowed and no keytab is available
    # Enabling use_start_tls is very important, otherwise the bind password is transmitted
    # over the network in the clear
    #ldap_id_use_start_tls = True
    #ldap_default_bind_dn = CN=binduser,OU=user accounts,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=com
    #ldap_default_authtok_type = password
    #ldap_default_authtok = bindpass

    ldap_schema = rfc2307bis

    ldap_user_search_base = ou=user accounts,dc=ad,dc=example,dc=com
    ldap_user_object_class = user

    ldap_user_home_directory = unixHomeDirectory
    ldap_user_principal = userPrincipalName

    ldap_group_search_base = ou=groups,dc=ad,dc=example,dc=com
    ldap_group_object_class = group

    ldap_access_order = expire
    ldap_account_expire_policy = ad
    ldap_force_upper_case_realm = true

    # Uncomment if dns discovery of your AD servers isn't working.
    #krb5_server = server.ad.example.com
    krb5_realm = AD.EXAMPLE.COM

    # Probably required with sssd 1.8.x and newer
    krb5_canonicalize = false

    # Perhaps you need to redirect to certain attributes?
    # ldap_user_object_class = user
    # ldap_user_name = sAMAccountName
    # ldap_user_uid_number = msSFU30UidNumber
    # ldap_user_gid_number = msSFU30GidNumber
    # ldap_user_gecos = displayName
    # ldap_user_home_directory = msSFU30HomeDirectory
    # ldap_user_shell = msSFU30LoginShell
    # ldap_user_principal = userPrincipalName
    # ldap_group_object_class = group
    # ldap_group_name = cn
    # ldap_group_gid_number = msSFU30GidNumber

NSS/PAM Configuration

Depending on your distribution you have different options how to enable SSSD.


Use ``authconfig`` to enable SSSD, install ``oddjob-mkhomedir`` to make sure
home directory creation works with SELinux::

    # authconfig --enablesssd --enablesssdauth --enablemkhomedir --update


Install ``libnss-sss`` and ``libpam-sss`` to have SSSD added as
NSS/PAM provider in ``/etc/nsswitch.conf`` and ``/etc/pam.d/common-*``
configuration files. Add ``pam_mkhomedir.so`` to PAM session configuration
manually. Restart SSSD after these changes.

Configure NSS/PAM manually

Manual configuration can be done with the following changes. The PAM
example file paths are from Debian/Ubuntu in Fedora/RHEL corresponding
manual configuration should be done in ``/etc/pam.d/system-auth`` and


More maps will be available later (see at least tickets `#359 <https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/359>`_ and `#901 <https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/901>`_).

You don't have to copy the file as below, but please make sure ``sss``
is present on the lines as below::

    # /etc/nsswitch.conf

    passwd:         files sss
    shadow:         files sss
    group:          files sss

    hosts:          files dns

    bootparams:     files

    ethers:         files
    netmasks:       files
    networks:       files
    protocols:      files
    rpc:            files
    services:       files sss

    netgroup:       files sss

    publickey:      files

    automount:      files sss
    aliases:        files


Right after the ``pam_unix.so`` line, add::

    auth         sufficient    pam_sss.so use_first_pass


Right after the ``pam_unix.so`` line, add::

    account      [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore] pam_sss.so


Right after the ``pam_unix.so`` line, add::

    password     sufficient    pam_sss.so use_authtok


Just before the ``pam_unix.so`` line, add::

    session      optional      pam_mkhomedir.so

Right after the ``pam_unix.so`` line, add::

    session      optional      pam_sss.so

Understanding Kerberos & Active Directory

It is important to understand that (unlike GNU/Linux MIT based KDC) Active
Directory based KDC divides Kerberos principals into two groups:

-  *User Principals* - usually equals to the sAMAccountname attribute of
   the object in AD. In short, User Principal is entitled to obtain TGT
   (ticket granting ticket). User Principals could be hence used to
   generate a TGT via ``kinit -k <principalname>``
-  *Service Principals* - represents which Kerberized service can be
   used on the computer in question. Service principals **CANNOT** be
   used to obtain a TGT -> cannot be used to grant an access to Active
   Directory controller for example.

Each user object in Active Directory (understand that a computer object
in AD is de-facto user object as well) can have:

-  maximum of 2 User Principal Names (UPN). One is pre-defined by its
   ``sAMAccountName`` LDAP attribute (mentioned above, for computer
   objects it has a form of ``<hostname>$``) and second by its
   ``UserPrincipalName`` string attribute
-  many Service Principal Names (typically one for each Kerberized
   service we want to enable on the computer) defined by the
   ``ServicePrincipalName`` (SPN) list attribute. The attributes can be
   seen/set using the ADSIedit snap-in for example.

Optional Final Test

You may have made iterative changes to your setup while learning about
SSSD. To make sure that your setup actually works, and you're not relying
on cached credentials, or cached LDAP information, you may want to clear
out the local cache. Obviously this will erase local credentials, and all
cached user information, so you should only do this for testing, and while
on the network with network access to the AD servers::

    service sssd stop; rm -f /var/lib/sss/db/*; service sssd start

If all looks well on your system after this, you know that sssd is able
to use the kerberos and ldap services you've configured.

Further reading

Please see the `following article on Technet site
for more in-depth Kerberos understanding.