Inter-process communication between SSSD processes

This document describes how the different SSSD processes communicate
between one another with a special emphasis on the Sbus protocol. In
addition, the document describes the interfaces SSSD might use to
communicate with external libraries or programs, such as libkrb5 or how
are the requests from NSS and PAM modules received.

An overview of the SSSD architecture

The SSSD consists of several processes, each of them has its own
function. The SSSD processes can be one of the following:

#. the *monitor* - The purpose of the monitor process is to spawn the
   other processes, periodically ping them if to check if they are still
   running and respawn them if not. There is only one instance of the
   monitor process at a given time.
#. a *data provider* - The data provider process communicates with the
   remote server (i.e. queries the remote server for a user) and updates
   the cache (i.e. writes the user entry. There is one Data Provider
   process per remote server.
#. a *responder* - The system libraries (such as the Name Service Switch
   module or the PAM module) communicate with the corresponding
   responder process. When the responder process receives a query, it
   checks the cache first and attempts to return the requested data from
   cache. If the data is not cached (or is expired), the responder sends
   a message to the Data Provider requesting the cache to be updated.
   When the Data Provider is done updating the cache, the responder
   process checks the cache again and returns the updated data. It is
   important to note that the responder process never returns the data
   directly from the server, the data is always written to the cache by
   the Data Provider Process and returned to the calling library in the
   responder process.
#. a *helper process* - The SSSD performs some operations that would be
   blocking, such as kinit in a special helper sub-process. The
   sub-processes are forked from the Data Provider processes again for
   each operation, there is no preforked pool of helper processes. The
   SSSD establishes pipes towards the processes' standard input and
   output to communicate with the child using an ad-hoc wire protocol.

DBus and SBUS

The SSSD uses the DBus protocol to pass messages between the SSSD
processes. It should be noted that the core SSSD does NOT listen on or
use the system bus. The SSSD only uses the DBus protocol to pass
messages between the processes. There is a public SSSD DBus interface,
starting with the 1.12 upstream release, but that resides in a separate
sub-package and is not related to the interprocess communication between
the different components.

A quick overview of the DBus concepts

The DBus protocol consists of several primary components:

#. The *D-BUS Server* - Rather than accepting connections and listening
   for requests on that connection, the D-BUS server is instead used
   only for establishing connections. A DBus server is identified by its
   address. Server addresses consist of a transport name followed by a
   colon, and then an optional, comma-separated list of keys and values
   in the form key=value, for example ``unix:path=/tmp/dbus-test``.
#. The *D-BUS Connection* - Once a D-BUS connection has been made to a
   D-BUS server, it becomes a peer-to-peer connection. Either end of the
   connection can listen for method calls or signals, and either end can
   initiate them.
#. The *D-BUS Message* - D-BUS messages come in three primary forms.
   These are D-BUS method calls, D-BUS Signals and D-BUS errors. D-BUS
   signals and D-BUS errors are one-way messages from one end of a D-BUS
   connection to the other, intended to carry a brief message (such as a
   signal to start or stop a service, or a notification that an error
   has occurred in the connection). D-BUS errors are usually generated
   by the internal D-BUS API itself, though they can be generated by
   your own code as well. D-BUS method calls are the bread-and-butter of
   the D-BUS protocol. The purpose of these calls is to essentially run
   a method on a remote process and treat it as if it had been run
   locally. These calls may (or may not) receive replies from the other
   end of the connection.
#. The *D-BUS System Bus* - The system bus is a special implementation
   of the D-BUS protocol. It was designed by the freedesktop project to
   handle communication between the many system daemons. We DO NOT use
   the system bus in the SSSD.

DBus and S-Bus

For performance reasons, the SSSD works in a completely non-blocking way
using the tevent event loop library from the Samba project. To integrate
the DBus API with the event loop and provide a level of abstraction, the
SSSD uses a wrapper around the D-Bus library called the S-Bus. The S-Bus
code can be found in the
`src/sbus <>`__
subdirectory. In particular, the wrappers and tevent integration can be
found in
`sssd\_dbus\_common.c <>`__
`sssd\_dbus\_connection.c <>`__
files. When the message is received, the tevent loop invokes the
``sbus_message_handler`` function which is located in
`sssd\_dbus\_connection.c <http://>`__.
The handler selects the SSSD internal interface that receives the
message and invokes the appropriate handler.

Describing the SBUS and public DBus interfaces

Starting with upstream version 1.12, when the SSSD implemented its
public DBus interface, the SSSD switched from hardcoding interface
names, methods etc. in the source files directly to only describing the
interfaces in XML files using the `introspection
format <>`__,
which are then used to autogenerate message handlers, property getters
and similar. While using generated code might sound odd at first, using
a code generator removes a large amount of code duplication, packing and
unpacking from DBus types to C types or vice versa, or unpacking DBus
message properties (if needed).

The code generator and the generated code are currently used for both
the DBus public interface (which is outside the scope of this page) and
the internal SBUS communication. The internal SBUS code, however, uses
the generated code in a 'raw' mode mostly and still does
packing/unpacking of the parameters on its own. The reason is that the
'raw' code in SSSD predates the code generator, is quite stable and
tested and converting it to the easier handlers with unpacked parameters
might cause functional regressions.

One example of the canonical XML code might be found in the `unit
tests <>`__,
along with the `corresponding autogenerated
code <>`__.
The XML files for the internal interfaces, such as the `Data
Provider <>`__
can also be inspected. Since all the internal interfaces use the raw
approach, the autogenerated code is `quite
terse <>`__
and the `interface
handlers <>`__
do the packing and unpacking on their own.

An SBus server

An S-Bus server is an abstraction of the DBus server. An S-Bus server is
always identified with an UNIX socket located in the directory
``/var/lib/sss/pipes/private``. Two processes act as an S-Bus server in
the SSSD:

#. The monitor - Both the responders and the Data providers establish
   connection to the monitor after startup. The monitor then
   periodically sends "pings" to the worker processes to check if they
   are still up and running. The other S-Bus methods the monitor can
   invoke include "rotateLogs" to force log rotation or "resetOffline"
   to force that the next operation attempts to contact the remote
   server regardless of the connection status. The complete list of
   methods is in
   `src/monitor/monitor\_interfaces.h <>`__

   -  listens on ``/var/lib/sss/pipes/private/sbus-monitor``.

#. The Data Providers - The Responder processes connect to the Data
   Provider processes with a cache update request. The Data Provider
   then communicates with the remote server, updates the cache and sends
   a message back to the responder, indicating that the cache was
   updated. Each responder calls a different DBus method depending on
   the data type the cache should be updated with. For example, the
   ``getAccountInfo`` method is called from the NSS.

   -  listens on ``/var/lib/sss/pipes/private/sbus-dp_$domain_name``

Two kinds of messages

The SSSD sends an SBUS message between two of its components under two
different circumstances:

#. When a request is received, completing the request might require
   communicating with another subprocess. An example of this is when a
   ``getpwnam()`` call triggers an LDAP search - the NSS responder sends
   an SBUS message to the Data Provider to update the cache.
#. Control messages sent by the monitor. The monitor process (aka the
   sssd process) sends periodical ``ping`` messages to all subprocesses
   it controls. If a subprocess doesn't respond with a ``pong`` message
   in time, it gets killed and restarted.

This means, there is ongoing sbus communication even though the sssd is
otherwise idle.

UNIX signals

Apart from the internal SBUS communication, SSSD also uses UNIX signals
for certain functionality - either for communication with external
utilities or for cases where the SBUS communication might not work, such
as an unresponsive worker process. Below is an overview of the supported
signals and their use. The signal handlers are typically integrated with
the tevent event loop using its ``tevent_add_signal`` call.

    If a responder or a provider process fails to send a ``pong``
    message to the monitor process after receiving the ``ping`` message,
    the monitor terminates the unresponsive process with a SIGTERM. Also
    used to terminate helper processes (such as the krb5\_child process)
    in case of a timeout.
    In cases where an unresponsive worker process does not terminate
    after receiving SIGTERM, the monitor forcibly kills it with SIGILL
    Can be handled a sssd\_be process individually or the monitor
    process (in that case, the monitor re-sends the signal to all
    sssd\_be processes it handles). Upon receiving this signal, the
    sssd\_be process transitions into the 'offline' state. This signal
    is mostly useful for testing.
    Similar to the SIGUSR1 signal, the SIGUSR2 would cause an sssd\_be
    process to reset the offline status and retry the next request it
    receives against a remote server.
    Can be delivered to the sssd process. After receiving SIGHUP, the
    monitor rotates its logfile and sends a ``reset`` method to the
    managed processes. The managed processes also rotate logfiles. In
    addition, the sssd\_be processes re-read resolv.conf and the
    sssd\_nss process clears the fast in-memory cache.

Local sockets

After startup, the SSSD also creates several local (AF\_UNIX) sockets to
listen on. These sockets are used by the NSS and PAM modules and also
the external programs SSSD integrates with, such as sudo, OpenSSH or
autofs. All consumers use the sockets in a similar fashion, so they can
be commonly called SSS clients.

The clients all employ a request/response protocol. using its own
TLV-encoding. Note that the SSS clients only support synchronous I/O, so
it may block (e.g. while waiting for a response). On the other hand, the
responders supports asynchronous I/O using its tevent main loop, so it
will not block (e.g. while waiting to read from a client).

KDCInfo files

The SSSD might discover additional KDC or Kadmin servers that are not
defined in krb5.conf. However, it would still be prudent if tools like
kinit or kpasswd could talk to the same servers the SSSD talks to. To
this end, the SSSD implements a plugin for libkrb5, located in the
`sssd\_krb5\_locator\_plugin.c <>`__
file. When a new KDC is discovered, the sssd\_be process writes the IP
address of this KDC into a file under the /var/lib/sss/pubconf
directory. With the help of the locator plugin, libkrb5 is able to read
these files in the pubconf directory and use the KDC servers discovered
by the SSSD.