Periodical refresh of expired entries

Related ticket(s):

-  `Add a task to the SSSD to periodically refresh cached
   entries <>`__

Problem Statement

Large deployments may suffer from latency when refreshing a big number
of expired entries, for instance during logins that involve refreshing

Overview of the solution

We will create a back end task, that will periodically search and update
all expired NSS entries. The periodic task it self is provider
independent and it leverage new `periodic tasks
API <>`__.
The task will fetch all expired entries and invoke a provider specific
callback to update those entries.

Implementation details


    typedef struct tevent_req *
    (*nss_refresh_records_send_t)(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
                                  struct be_ctx *be_ctx,
                                  const char **dn,
                                  void *pvt);

    typedef errno_t
    (*nss_refresh_records_recv_t)(struct tevent_req *req);

    struct nss_refresh_records_cb {
        bool enabled;
        nss_refresh_records_send_t send;
        nss_refresh_records_recv_t recv;
        void *pvt;

    enum nss_refresh_type {
        ... for all NSS objects


    struct nss_refresh_records_ctx {
        struct nss_refresh_records_cb callbacks[NSS_REFRESH_TYPE_SENTINEL];

    struct nss_refresh_records_init();

    nss_refresh_records_add_cb(struct nss_refresh_records_ctx *ctx,
                               enum nss_refresh_type type,
                               nss_refresh_records_send_t send,
                               nss_refresh_records_recv_t recv,
                               void *pvt);

    struct tevent_req *
    nss_refresh_records_send(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
                             struct be_ctx *be_ctx,
                             void *pvt /* struct nss_refresh_records_ctx */

    nss_refresh_records_recv(struct tevent_req *req);

A new nss\_refresh\_records\_ctx is created during back end start up and
it is made a member of be\_ctx. Every ID provider can install an update
function during its initialization via
*nss\_refresh\_records\_add\_cb()*. Every callback can be installed only
once. After all providers are initialized, back end creates a new
periodic task for refreshing NSS expired entries.

*nss\_refresh\_records\_send()* will go through the callback list. When
a callback is enabled it will acquire a list of all expired entries
distinguish names and call the provider-specific request to refresh


Pavel Březina <` <>`__>