.. _release-notes-1.68:

rpkg 1.68 Release Notes

Released on *March 19, 2025*

Python compatibility

rpkg works with Python 2.7, 3.6, 3.9, 3.12 and 3.13

What's new in rpkg 1.68
Not everything is actually new. The next description covers changes since last 1.67 release. Since then most of features/fixes were already released as patches.

``build``: add draft builds support
Generally, it means adding ``--draft`` argument to the koji build command. More info about draft build is at koji's `draft`_ documentation.

      fedpkg build --draft ...

.. _`draft`: https://docs.pagure.org/koji/draft_builds/

``clog`` will not duplicate changelog lines
``clog`` have to read the tag *CHANGELOGTEXT* (not macro) appropriately as an array: ``--qf '[%{CHANGELOGTEXT}\n]'``.

Whole array is read, so the *<SEPARATOR>* is used to extract the first changelog.

``prep``: added an argument to check dependencies
By default, ``prep`` command doesn't check dependencies. This might lead to confusing output. When ``prep`` fails, a hint message is displayed with information about the new argument ``--check-deps`` which makes ``prep`` potentially show missing dependencies.

Restrict Git index version to what GitPython supports
The Git index version used by a repository is set when the repository is cloned. If the user has a non-default Git config like ``feature.manyFiles=true``, index versions above the default of 2 may be used. On the other hand, GitPython, and consequently rpkg, do not support anything above 2. Create repositories that can be manipulated by rpkg by forcing index version 2 when cloning.

Upstream issue: `#1960`_

Original `report`_ at Fedora Package Maintainer Docs.

.. _`report`: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/package-maintainer-docs/pull-request/173

Fix regular expression for parsing Source lines
When pushing changes to the dist-git repo, the ``pre-push-check`` didn't identify hidden files (.file) among 'SourceX|PatchX' definitions. The regular expression was taken from another part of the code and improved.

Fixing unittests for py36
There is an issue with the newest pycurl library in PyPI. Use the older one for this environment.

'rpm-py-installer' is failing too, replace it with 'rpm'.

``chain-build``: correct the info message
The info message was missing the whole 'chain' which says what components will be built. Originally, it didn't contain the last group of components. It was confusing for users.

Fixing encoding of the url when checking lookaside
In RHEL-7 (Python 2.7) encoding of the url was unicode. Curl's method 'setopt' expects utf-8.

Other small fixes
* `set-pagure-token`: config file's permission are set to be more restrictive - readable only by the user
* `pre-push-check`: when the *spectool* command fails, rpkg should display its output
* Python 3.13 environment; renewed testing image
* Fix formatting for error when sources download fails in `mockbuild`
* Fix package in Pypi - the pyrpkg module couldn't be imported.
* Flake8 code checker doesn't need installation of all dependencies - quicker.

Change Logs
- Restrict Git index version to what GitPython supports - `#1960`_ (otto.liljalaakso)
- `set-pagure-token`: config - more restrictive permissions (git)
- `pre-push-check`: show spectool command output - `#732`_ (onosek)
- `prep`: added an argument to check dependencies - `#585`_ (onosek)
- Python 3.13 environment and renew testing image (onosek)
- Fix formatting for error when mockbuild sources fails (otto.liljalaakso)
- `clog` is duplicating changelog lines - `#581`_ (onosek)
- Fixing unittests for py36 (onosek)
- `chain-build`: correct the info message - `#567`_ (onosek)
- Fix regular expression for parsing Source lines - `#721`_ (onosek)
- Add draft builds support (onosek)
- Fixing encoding of the url when checking lookaside (onosek)
- Fix package in Pypi (onosek)

.. _`#1960`: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/issues/1960
.. _`#732`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/732
.. _`#585`: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/issue/585
.. _`#581`: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/issue/581
.. _`#567`: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/issue/567
.. _`#721`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/721