.. _release-notes-1.57:

rpkg 1.57 Release Notes

Released on *December 07, 2018*

Python compatibility

rpkg works with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7.

What's new in rpkg 1.57

Send source mtime to "dist-git"
Modification time of uploaded files is now sent to ``dist-git``.

New subcommand "flatpak-build"

The ``flatpak-build`` subcommand starts a build of the current git
repository as a Flatpak. It's pretty much identical to ``container-build``,
but the build target is determined by looking up the module that will be
built into the flatpak in ``container.yaml`` and then determining what
platform version that uses by traversing module dependencies.

Requires Python-2.7 and newer. Also ``libmodulemd`` library.

Support for "Factory"

Add the ability to pass in buildrequire and require overrides
on a module build.

Add config options to parse the base module (e.g. platform) stream from
the ``dist-git`` branch and apply a buildrequire override.

Raise an error if the ``module-build`` command receives optional arguments
that conflict

Validate the "module build" - "optional" argument

When parsing arguments, rpkg will validate the ``module build`` - ``optional``
argument. Its format is unchanged. Example:

``--optional', 'scmurl=git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?#1234``

Improve running tests with "tox"
Specify dependent packages in one place

``setup.py`` is the place to inject dependent packages, both install or
tests. All the packages are read from pip requirements files ``pypi.txt``
and test-pypi.txt, then modified and packages specific for Python 2.6 are
added in ``setup.py``.

``tox.ini`` is updated accordingly as well. Major changes are:

* some deeper dependent packages, which have dropped Python 2.6 support,
  are listed for "py26" specificially.
* instead of enabling tox config usedevelop, install dependent packages
  listed in ``setup.py`` by ``pip install -e`` option.
* run tests by ``setup.py nosetests`` which can install packages listed in

As a result, dependent packages for all supported Python versions should
be added to ``pypi.txt``, which will be in ``install_requires`` eventually.
Any packages specific to Python 2.6 or not should be listed in ``setup.py``

Refine test runner for "py26"
Dependent tools to run tests do not support Python 2.6 recently, like
tox, that causes ``tox -e py26`` fails to create a virtual environment
with python2.6 interpreter.

This patch uses a Makefile to create a Python 2.6 environment with
virtualenv manually and to organize steps to run tests with Python 2.6
and other Python versions in only one command ``make test``.

``make test`` can also use environment variable ``TOX_POSARGS``
to pass additional parameters to internal ``tox`` call.

Tests against py26 could be ignored by setting environment variable

Set configuration in case of "clone \-\-branches" as well

Currently, the configuration settings for ``credential.helper`` and
``credential.useHttpPath`` and the template from ``clone_config`` are only
applied when cloning into a single target directory. This change
applies them to all target directories when called with the option
``--branches`` set.

Specify package manager for "mock-config"

The package manager setting has to be specified from the outside. Koji
will happily return incorrect config without it.

"Contributing guide" added

File ``CONTRIBUTING.md`` was added. It contains recommendations and
instructions how to successfully contribute to this project.

Change Logs
* Use idna 2.7 for Python 2.6 (lsedlar)
* Imports are sorted (onosek)
* libmodulemd is missing on el7 - `#402`_ (onosek)
* Initialize bash autocompletion (onosek)
* Set configuration in case of "clone --branches" as well (tim)
* Fix fake spec file for clog tests - `#400`_ (cqi)
* Move argparse fix from fedpkg - `#398`_ (onosek)
* Send source mtime to dist-git - `#220`_ (lsedlar)
* Fix tests for mock package manager (lsedlar)
* Specify package manager for mock-config (lsedlar)
* Add contributing guide (onosek)
* Validate the module build optional argument when parsing the argument
* Add config options to parse the base module (e.g. platform) stream from the
  dist-git branch and apply a buildrequire override (mprahl)
* Add the ability to pass in buildrequire and require overrides on a module
  build (mprahl)
* Raise an error if the module build command receives optional arguments that
  conflict (mprahl)
* Silence Python3 SafeConfigParser warnings - `#388`_ (mmathesi)
* Allow to pass posargs to tox from make (cqi)
* Specify dependent packages in one place (cqi)
* Don't registry flatpak-build command on Python-2.6 (otaylor)
* Add flatpak-build subcommand (otaylor)
* Don't pass the MBS API URL around as a parameter (otaylor)
* TestContainerBuildWithKoji: tear down the mock appropriately (otaylor)
* Refine test runner for py26 (cqi)

.. _`#402`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/402
.. _`#400`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/pull-request/400
.. _`#398`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/398
.. _`#220`: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/issue/220
.. _`#388`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/pull-request/388