.. _pre-push-check:


.. program:: pre-push-check



    sample-rpkg pre-push-check [-h] [ref]


Performs few checks of the repository before pushing changes.
"git push" command itself is not part of this check.

Checks include:
  * parse specfile for source files and verifies it is noted also
    in the 'sources' file.

  * verifies, that all source files from 'sources' file were uploaded
    to the lookaside cache.

Checks can be performed manually by executing 'pre-push-check' command.
But originally, it is designed to be executed automatically right before
'git push' command is started. Every time the 'git push' command
is executed, the 'pre-push' hook script runs first.

Path: <repository_directory>/.git/hooks/pre-push

This hook script is created after a new repository is cloned. Previously
created repositories don't contain this hook script.

To disable these checks, remove the hook script.


.. option:: ref

   Reference to the commit that will be checkedAccepts hash or reference for example 'refs/heads/f37'


.. option:: -h --help

   show this help message and exit