.. _local:


.. program:: local



    sample-rpkg local [-h] [--builddir BUILDDIR] [--buildrootdir BUILDROOTDIR] [--arch ARCH] [--define DEFINE] [--md5] [--with BCOND_WITH] [--without BCOND_WITHOUT] ...


Locally test run of rpmbuild producing binary RPMs. The rpmbuild output will be logged into a file named .build-%{version}-%{release}.log


.. option:: extra_args

   Custom arguments that are passed to the 'rpmbuild'. Use '--' to separate them from other arguments.


.. option:: -h --help

   show this help message and exit

.. option:: --builddir

   Define an alternate builddir

.. option:: --buildrootdir

   Define an alternate buildrootdir

.. option:: --arch

   Prep for a specific arch

.. option:: --define

   Pass custom macros to rpmbuild, may specify multiple times

.. option:: --md5

   Use md5 checksums (for older rpm hosts)

.. option:: --with

   Enable configure option (bcond) for the build

.. option:: --without

   Disable configure option (bcond) for the build