Macro reference

Base git macros

Without any parameters, these macros work on repository level and use globally available repository information.


If your local repository is not properly initialized or if, for example, the .git metadata directory in your local tree has been renamed or removed, operation of the base macros can get out of the intended scope. It is therefore recommended to use more specific git_dir_* macros where possible, which are always bound to the directory where the input spec file is located. This is mainly relevant for git_pack and git_archive macros (see below).

Output of every git macro call is cached and other macros are made to take those cached values into account by default. You can see that a macro uses a cached value as a default input parameter value by looking at its function header definition and searching for the cached keyword.

git_version [name="$(cached git_name)"] [lead=0] [follow=]

Default value for name in this definition is derived from the cached output of the previously invoked git_name macro. If git_name macro has not been invoked or if its output was an empty string, the default value for the name= parameter above will be also an empty string.

Note that $(cached_git_name_version) in the function header definitions below is an alias for "$(cached git_name)-$(cached git_version)".

git_name [name=] [prepend=] [append=]

Without any parameters, lookup remote URL for the currently active branch and output its basename with .git suffix stripped. If the remote URL could not be determined, use “origin” remote URL instead.

Optional arguments:

the base name to be output


string to be prepended to the base name


string to be appended to the base name

git_version [name="$(cached git_name)"] [lead=0] [follow=]

Output version of a subpackage given by ${name}. The version is a string constructed of the following parts:


${lead} is a mandatory argument of the macro. By default it is set to zero.

${follow} (if not specified) is obtained from the follow part of the latest tag made for the subpackage given by ${name}.

${commit_count_appendix} is generated only if the current commit is not tagged for the given subpackage and it is composed of the following parts


Commit count is a number of commits from the latest tag on the given subpackage.

${wtree_appendix} is generated only if the currently checked out working tree is dirty. It is composed of the following parts:


Optional arguments:

name of a subpackage


major version substring


minor version substring, dynamically generated if not specified

Environment variables:

VERSION_BUMP: if set to a non-empty value, the following procedure is applied to get the version string:

If ${follow} is specified by user explicitly, return ${lead}.${follow}.

Otherwise, extract ${follow} from the latest tag as the last version component (after the last dot) and return ${lead}.${follow}+1. If ${follow} is not a number, throw an error (manual setting of follow is needed).

rpkg sets the VERSION_BUMP variable into the preprocessing environment during execution of rpkg tag subcommand. Otherwise, it is unset.

git_vcs [subtree=]

Output pseudo repository URL pointing the currently checked out tree.

Optional arguments:

path to a subtree to generate the URL for

Example output:


git_pack [path="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"] [dir_name="$(cached_git_name_version)"]

Pack the whole working tree content (including untracked files) into a gzipped source tarball and output ${source_name}, which is a filename of the created tarball. Uses GNU tar to do the job. Files ignored by git as well as .git metadata directory will be excluded from the resulting tarball.

Optional arguments:

path to a specific subdirectory to be packed


top-level directory name in the created tarball


filename of the created source tarball

Enviroment variables:

OUTDIR: if empty, git_pack will not generate any sources, only the source filename will be output

rpkg sets OUTDIR, only if the tarball is actually needed to be generated. It does not set it when rpkg spec is called (without any additional arguments).

git_archive [path="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"] [dir_name="$(cached_git_name_version)"]

Pack the latest commit tree content into a gzipped source tarball and output ${source_name}, which is a filename of the created tarball. Uses git archive to do the job. Note that this macro will refuse to generate a tarball if your working tree is dirty.

Optional arguments:

path to a specific subdirectory to be packed


top-level directory name in the created tarball


filename of the created source tarball

Enviroment variables:

OUTDIR: if empty, git_archive will not generate any sources, only the source filename will be output

rpkg sets OUTDIR, only if the tarball is actually needed to be generated. It does not set it when rpkg spec is called (without any additional arguments).

git_setup_macro [dir_name="$(cached_git_name_version)"]

Output %setup rpm macro for the given top-level source-tarball directory.

Optional arguments:

name of the top-level directory in the source-tarball

git_changelog [name="$(cached git_name)"] [since_tag=] [until_tag=]
              [header_locale=POSIX] [header_date_format="%a %b %d %Y"] [body_wrap=80]

Output rpm spec changelog as generated from tag messages for the subpackage given by ${name}.

Optional arguments:

name of the subpackage to generate the changelog for


start the changelog records with this tag


end the changelog records with this tag


locale to be used when changelog record date is being generated


date format to be used in the changelog record headers


maximum allowed line length for changelog body

When rpkg tag is called, it allows you to specify a tag message. This is the message that will be used as a changelog record body.

git_dir macros

These macros operate on a directory level. In particular, on a directory where the input spec file template is located. They are basically aliases to the GIT BASE MACROS with some input values set specifically for the directory-level operation. The input spec template location is given by INPUT_PATH environment variable set by rpkg. You can influence it from the command line by explicitly specifying --spec <template_path> argument for rpkg subcommands that support it.

Below you can see to what the GIT DIR macros expand. In some cases, the macro is a direct alias to the underlying git base macro.


    git_name append="-$(git -C "$(dirname "$INPUT_PATH")" rev-parse --show-prefix | path_to_name_suffix)"

Outputs repository origin URL basename appended with the path (after slash to dash substitution) from the repository root to the spec file’s directory.



Direct alias.


    git_vcs subtree="$(git -C "$(dirname "$INPUT_PATH")" rev-parse --show-prefix)"

Outputs VCS pseudo URL pointing to the spec file’s subdirectory.


    git_pack path="$(dirname "$INPUT_PATH")"

Packs spec file’s subdirectory by using GNU tar.


    git_archive path="$(dirname "$INPUT_PATH")"

Packs spec file’s subdirectory by using git archive.



Direct alias.



Direct alias.

git_cwd macros

These macros operate on a directory level. In particular, on a rpkg’s working directory. Again, they are aliases to the GIT BASE MACROS with some input values set specifically for the directory-level operation.

You can influence the rpkg’s working dir from the command line by explicitly specifying its --path argument.

Below you can see to what the GIT_CWD macros expand. In some cases, the macro is a direct alias for the underlying git base macro.


    git_name append="-$(git -C "$(pwd)" rev-parse --show-prefix | path_to_name_suffix)"

Outputs repository origin URL basename appended with the rpkg’s working directory path (after slash to dash substitution).



Direct alias.


    git_vcs subtree="$(git -C "$(pwd)" rev-parse --show-prefix)"

Outputs VCS pseudo URL pointing to the rpkg’s working directory.


    git_pack path="$(pwd)"

Packs rpkg’s working directory by using GNU tar.


    git_archive path="$(pwd)"

Packs rpkg’s working directory by using git archive.



Direct alias.



Direct alias.

User-defined macros

You can define your own rpkg macros that are basically just standard bash functions read from rpkg.macros file placed in an rpkg’s working directory. Standard output of your custom macro will be captured and the {{{ <macro_name> }}} invocation in an input spec file will be replaced with it.

Example of a custom macro placed in rpkg.macros file:

function git_commits_no {
    total_commits="$(git rev-list --all --count)"
    echo -n "$total_commits"

You can then use this macro in your spec file to e.g. specify Release tag value:

Release: {{{ git_commits_no }}}

Calling rpkg spec will then produce a spec file with the following line in the content:

Release: 267

supposing the total number of commits in your project is 267.

Instead of echo -n <output>, you can also use output <output> command which comes directly from rpkg’s standard bash library. This command will first cache the output value under <macro_name> key and only afterwards, it will echo the value to stdout.

You can later access this value by cached <macro_name>, which might become handy, for example, if computing your output is computionally demanding and you need to compute that same value more than once.

Example usage:

function git_commits_no {
    total_commits="$(cached git_commits_no)"

    if [ -z "$total_commits" ]; then
        total_commits="$(git rev-list --all --count)"

    output "$total_commits"

Tips and tricks:

To get proper bash highlighting in rpkg.macros in your favourite editor of choice, you can put #!/bin/bash shebang at the beginning. Alternatively for vim, you can use #<white>vim:syntax=sh directive where <white> can be a space or tab.