Package Unblocking¶
Packages are sometimes unblocked from Fedora, usually when a package had been orphaned and now has a new owner. When this happens, release engineering needs to “unblock” the package from koji tags.
Find Unblock requests¶
Unblock requests are usually reported in the rel-eng issue tracker.
Perform the unblocking¶
First assign the ticket to yourself to show, that you are handling the request.
Discover proper place to unblock¶
The ticket should tell you which Fedora releases to unblock the package in. Typically it’ll say “Fedora 13” or “F14”. This means we need to unblock it at that Fedora level and all future tags. However depending on where the package was blocked we may have to do our unblock action at a different Fedora level.
To discover where a package is blocked, use the list-pkgs
method of koji.
$ koji list-pkgs --help
Usage: koji list-pkgs [options]
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--owner=OWNER Specify owner
--tag=TAG Specify tag
--package=PACKAGE Specify package
--quiet Do not print header information
--noinherit Don't follow inheritance
--show-blocked Show blocked packages
--show-dups Show superseded owners
--event=EVENT# query at event
--ts=TIMESTAMP query at timestamp
--repo=REPO# query at event for a repo
For example if we wanted to see where python-psco was blocked we would do:
$ koji list-pkgs --package python-psyco --show-blocked
Package Tag Extra Arches Owner
----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------
python-psyco dist-f14 konradm [BLOCKED]
python-psyco olpc2-ship2 shahms
python-psyco olpc2-trial3 shahms
Here we can see that it was blocked at dist-f14. If we got a request that was to unblock it before f14, we can simply use the dist-f14 target to unblock. However if they want it unblocked after f14, we would use the earliest dist-f?? tag the user wants, such as dist-f15 if the user asked for it to be unblocked in Fedora 15+
Performing the unblock¶
To unblock a package for a tag, use the unblock-pkg
method of Koji.
$ koji unblock-pkg --help
Usage: koji unblock-pkg [options] tag package [package2 ...]
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
For example, if we were asked to unblock python-psyco in F14 we would issue:
$ koji unblock-pkg dist-f14 python-psyco
Now the ticket can be closed.
To verify that the package was successfully unblocked use the list-pkgs
koji command:
$ koji list-pkgs --package python-psyco --show-blocked
We should see the package listed as not blocked at dist-f14 or above:
Package Tag Extra Arches Owner
----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------
python-psyco olpc2-trial3 jkeating
python-psyco olpc2-ship2 jkeating
python-psyco olpc2-update1 jkeating
python-psyco trashcan jkeating
python-psyco f8-final jkeating
We should not see it listed as blocked in dist-f14 or any later Fedora tags.
Consider Before Running¶
Watch the next day’s rawhide/branched/whatever report for a slew of broken deps related to the package. We may have to re-block the package in order to fix the deps.