.. SPDX-License-Identifier:    CC-BY-SA-3.0

Update RelEng Rendered Docs

.. Put a description of the task here.

When an improvement happens to the Release Engineering documentation following
the :doc:`contributing <contributing>` for the `Sphinx`_ `reStructured Text`_
source found in ``docs/source`` within the `RelEng git repository`_ someone has
to manually perform a process in order to update the documentation that is
hosted in the `pagure`_ documentation space for `Fedora RelEng docs`_.

.. Describe the action and provide examples

In order to render the documentation using `Sphinx`_, you need to first be sure
to have the package installed:


    $ dnf install python-sphinx

Then we'll need to clone the RelEng repository and the RelEng docs repository
(the docs git repository is provided by pagure automatically). There is a script
in the `releng` repository that takes care of cleanly updating the documentation
site for us.


    $ ./scripts/update-docs.sh

The documentation is now live.

.. note::
    This will require someone with permissions to push to the rawhide branch for
    the releng repository. If you are curious whom all has this ability, please
    refer to the :doc:`Main Page <index>` and contact someone from the "Team

.. Provide a method to verify that the action completed as expected (success)

Visit the `Fedora RelEng docs`_ website and verify that the changes are
reflected live on the docs site.

Consider Before Running
.. Create a list of things to keep in mind when performing action.

No considerations at this time. The docs git repository is simply a static
html hosting space and we can just re-render the docs and push to it again if

.. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/
.. _reStructured Text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReStructuredText
.. _RelEng git repository: https://pagure.io/releng
.. _pagure: https://pagure.io/pagure
.. _Fedora RelEng docs: https://docs.pagure.org/releng/