.. SPDX-License-Identifier:    CC-BY-SA-3.0

Mass Rebuild of Modules


Periodically we do mass rebuilds of modules in rawhide during the development cycle. This
SOP will outline the steps necessary to do this.

This assumes that the mass rebuild has already been approved and scheduled via
release engineering and FESCo. Coordinate with infrastructure as well for any
needed updates.


* The most important thing to keep in mind while doing a mass rebuild is to communicate clearly what actions are being performed and the status of the rebuild.
* Check in on scripts frequently to avoid a long stalled command from adding significant delays in completing the rebuild.


Preparatory Steps
The following steps should be completed after the `mass rebuild of packages`_ is done.

#. Update Scripts

The mass rebuild depends on two main scripts from the `releng git repository`_. Each one requires some changes in variables for each new mass rebuild cycle.

    * *mass-rebuild-modules.py*
        * rebuildid
    * *massrebuildsinfo.py*
        * module_mass_rebuild_epoch
        * module_mass_rebuild_platform

Change the following items:

* the ``rebuildid`` to match the release for which you are mass rebuilding modules as per in massrebuildsinfo.py
* ``module_mass_rebuild_epoch`` mostly will be the epoch of mass rebuild of packages
* ``module_mass_rebuild_platform`` should be the rawhide module platform

Starting the Mass Rebuild of Modules
The ``mass-rebuild-modules.py`` script takes care of:

* Discovering available available modules from PDC
* Find the module info from mbs and check if a module build is submitted after the epoch date
* Checking out modules from dist-git
* Switching to appropriate stream
* Find modulemd file
* Use libmodulemd to determine if this module stream applies to this platform version
* If needs rebuilding, committing the change
* Push the commit
* Submitting the build request through mbs

#. Connect to the mass-rebuild Machine


        $ ssh compose-branched01.iad2.fedoraproject.org

#. Start a terminal multiplexer


        $ tmux

#. Clone or checkout the latest copy of the `releng git repository`_.

#. Run the `mass-rebuild-modules.py` script from *releng/scripts*


        $ cd path/to/releng_repo/scripts
        $ ./mass-rebuild-modules.py <path_to_token_file> build --wait 2>&1 | tee ~/massbuildmodules.out

.. note::

        The token file should be located in infra's private ansible repo, or ask infra to get it to you using this `process`_.

.. note::

        The `build` option is really important to pay attention, since the mass branching of modules will also use the same script, just changing the option to `branch` and `module_mass_branching_platform` in `massrebuildsinfo.py`

Post Mass Rebuild Tasks
Once the module mass rebuild is done, send an email to the devel-announce@ list

#. Send the final notification to the
   *devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org* list

.. _releng git repository: https://pagure.io/releng
.. _process: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8048#comment-587789
.. _mass rebuild of packages: https://docs.pagure.org/releng/sop_mass_rebuild_packages.html