.. SPDX-License-Identifier:    CC-BY-SA-3.0

Adding Side Build Tags

Bigger Features can take a while to stabilize and land or need a large number
of packages to be built against each other, this is easiest served by having a
separate build tag for the development work.  This SOP will describe the steps
necessary to prepare the new build target.

Engineers should be aware that adding side build targets incurs extra
newRepo tasks in the koji.

Research Tag

#. Verify whether a tag already exists.

   The typical tag format is *PRODUCT*-*DESCRIPTOR*. The *DESCRIPTOR* should
   be something brief that clearly shows why the tag exists.

   .. note::

      Don't think too hard about what makes a good descriptor.  The
      descriptor for the XFCE version 4.8 side-build target was *xfce48*.
      KDE often simply uses *kde* as its descriptor.  Use best judgement and
      if in doubt ask in IRC on ``#fedora-releng``.

   .. admonition:: EPEL6


         $ koji taginfo epel6-kde

   .. admonition:: EPEL7


         $ koji taginfo epel7-kde

   .. admonition:: Fedora


         $ koji taginfo f28-kde

   .. note::
      If the tag already exists, continue searching for an available tag
      by appending ``-2`` and incrementing the number by one until an
      available tag is found.  For example, if ``f28-kde`` already exists
      then search for ``f28-kde-2``, ``f28-kde-3``, and so on until a
      suitable tag is found.

#. Determine the appropriate architectures.

   .. admonition:: EPEL6


         $ koji taginfo dist-6E-epel-build

   .. admonition:: EPEL7


         $ koji taginfo epel7-build

   .. admonition:: Fedora


         $ koji taginfo f28-build

Create Side Build Target

#. Create the proper tag.

   Note the slightly different syntax depending on
   which product needs the side-build target and the comma delimited list of
   architectures based on the information from a previous step.

   .. admonition:: EPEL6


         $ koji add-tag epel6-kde --parent=dist-6E-epel-build --arches=i686,x86_64,ppc64

   .. admonition:: EPEL7


         $ koji add-tag epel7-kde --parent=epel7-build --arches=aarch64,x86_64,ppc64,ppc64le

   .. admonition:: Fedora


         $ koji add-tag f28-kde --parent=f28-build --arches=armv7hl,i686,x86_64,aarch64,ppc64,ppc64le,s390x

#. Create the target.

   .. admonition:: EPEL6


         $ koji add-target epel6-kde epel6-kde

   .. admonition:: EPEL7


         $ koji add-target epel7-kde epel7-kde

   .. admonition:: Fedora


         $ koji add-target f28-kde f28-kde

#. Find the taskID for the newRepo task associated with the newly created


      $ koji list-tasks --method=newRepo
      ID       Pri  Owner                State    Arch       Name
      25101143 15   kojira               OPEN     noarch     newRepo (f28-kde)

#. Ensure the newRepo task is being run across all architectures.


      $ koji watch-task 25101143
      Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...
      25101143 newRepo (f28-kde): open (buildvm-14.phx2.fedoraproject.org)
      25101154 createrepo (i386): closed
      25101150 createrepo (ppc64le): closed
      25101152 createrepo (ppc64): closed
      25101151 createrepo (aarch64): closed
      25101149 createrepo (armhfp): closed
      25101153 createrepo (s390x): open (buildvm-ppc64le-04.ppc.fedoraproject.org)
      25101148 createrepo (x86_64): open (buildvm-aarch64-21.arm.fedoraproject.org)

#. Request Package Auto-Signing for New Tag

   File a ticket in `pagure infrastructure`_ requesting the new tag be enabled
   for package auto-signing.

#. Update the Pagure Issue

   Update the issue according to the following template which assumes a side
   target was made for KDE under Fedora 28.
   *TAG_NAME* has been created:

      $ koji add-tag f28-kde --parent=f28-build --arches=armv7hl,i686,x86_64,aarch64,ppc64,ppc64le,s390x

      $ koji add-target f28-kde f28-kde

      You can do builds with:
      $ fedpkg build --target=f28-kde

      Let us know when you are done and we will move all the builds into

Fedora Release Engineering is responsible for merging the packages from the
side-build target and tag back into the main tag. The requestor will update
the original ticket when ready for the procedure outlined below.

#. Remove the target


      $ koji remove-target <SIDE_TAG_NAME>

#. Merge side build back to main target.

   Get the latest checkout from `Fedora Release Engineering Repository`_
   and run the `mass-tag.py` from the scripts directory.


      $ ./mass-tag.py --source <SIDE_TAG_NAME> --target <MAIN_TAG_NAME> > mass_tag.txt

   .. note::
      The *MAIN_TAG_NAME* for Fedora is typically the pending subtag, e.g.
      ``f28-pending`` when bodhi is not managing updates. After bodhi is
      enabled and managing updates then merge into ``f28-updates-candidate``.

#. Paste Output to the Original Ticket

   Paste the output from mass-tag.py into the pagure/releng ticket to show
   what packages were merged and what packages need rebuilding for those who
   work on the buildroot.

Tags are **never** removed.

Consider Before Running

* Is the amount of work to be done worth the cost of newRepo tasks.
* If there is only a small number of packages  overrides may be better.
* Is there a mass-rebuild going on? no side tags are allowed while a mass
  rebuild is underway

.. _pagure infrastructure: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues
.. _Fedora Release Engineering Repository: https://pagure.io/releng/