Source code for odcs.client.odcs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017  Red Hat, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Written by Chenxiong Qi <>

import os
import json
import platform
import requests
import time

from urllib.parse import urljoin

from requests_gssapi import HTTPSPNEGOAuth

from odcs.client import version as client_version

class AuthMech(object):
    OpenIDC = 1
    Kerberos = 2
    Anonymous = 3
    SSL = 4

    def has(cls, mech):
        return mech in (cls.OpenIDC, cls.Kerberos, cls.Anonymous, cls.SSL)

class ComposeLog(object):
    def __init__(self, compose):
        Creates new ComposeLog instance.
        self.url = os.path.join(compose["toplevel_url"], "pungi-stderr.log")
        self.offset = 0

    def read(self):
        Reads the Compose log from the ODCS server and returns its content.

        This method can be called repeatedly to get the latest content in
        the log. Similar to "tail -f log".

        :return str: New log lines or None if log does not exist (yet) on the
            ODCS server.
        headers = {"Range": "bytes=%d-" % self.offset}
        r = requests.get(self.url, headers=headers)

        # Log does not exists yet on the ODCS server.
        if r.status_code == 404:
            return None

        # 416 Range Not Satisfiable - nothing new in log.
        if r.status_code == 416:
            return ""


        content = r.text
        self.offset += len(content)
        return content

def validate_int(value, min=1, type_error=None, value_error=None):
    if not isinstance(value, int):
        if type_error:
            raise TypeError(type_error)
            raise TypeError("Value {0} is not an integer.".format(value))
    if value < min:
        if value_error:
            raise ValueError(value_error)
            raise ValueError(
                "Value {0} is less than minimal value {1}.".format(value, min)

def validate_page(value):
        type_error="page number must be an integer.",
        value_error="page number must start from 1.",

def validate_per_page(value):
        type_error="per_page must be an integer.",
        value_error="per_page must be greater than or equal to 1.",

class ComposeSourceGeneric(object):
    def __init__(
        self.source = {"source": source, "type": source_type}
        if packages:
            self.source["packages"] = packages
        if builds:
            self.source["builds"] = builds
        if sigkeys:
            self.source["sigkeys"] = sigkeys
        if koji_event:
            self.source["koji_event"] = koji_event
        if modular_koji_tags:
            self.source["modular_koji_tags"] = modular_koji_tags
        if module_defaults_url:
            self.source["module_defaults_url"] = module_defaults_url
        if module_defaults_commit:
            self.source["module_defaults_commit"] = module_defaults_commit
        if scratch_modules:
            self.source["scratch_modules"] = scratch_modules
        if base_module_br_name:
            self.source["base_module_br_name"] = base_module_br_name
        if base_module_br_stream:
            self.source["base_module_br_stream"] = base_module_br_stream
        if base_module_br_stream_version_lte:
            self.source["base_module_br_stream_version_lte"] = (
        if base_module_br_stream_version_gte:
            self.source["base_module_br_stream_version_gte"] = (

[docs] class ComposeSourceTag(ComposeSourceGeneric): """ Compose source taking Koji tag as input. """ def __init__( self, tag, packages=None, builds=None, sigkeys=None, koji_event=None, modular_koji_tags=None, module_defaults_url=None, module_defaults_commit=None, scratch_modules=None, **kwargs ): """ Creates new ComposeSourceTag instance. :param str tag: Koji tag to use as a source for compose. :param list packages: List of Koji packages to include in the compose. Note that this is **not** a list of RPM names. If unset, all packages tagged in the Koji ``tag`` will be included in a compose. :param list builds: List of NVRs of Koji builds to be included in the compose on top of the Koji builds directly tagged in the Koji ``tag``. If unset, only Koji builds tagged in the Koji ``tag`` will be used. :param list sigkeys: List of signature keys by which the RPMs in the compose must be signed. Empty string in the list allows unsigned packages. :param int koji_event: Particular Koji event id to generate compose from. If unset, latest Koji event will be used. :param list modular_koji_tags: List of Koji tags containing modules which should also be included in the resulting compose on top of Koji builds tagged in the Koji ``tag``. :param str module_defaults_url: URL of module defaults repository. :param str module_defaults_commit: Commit or branch name defining particular point module defaults repository. :param list scratch_modules: List of N:S:V:C of scratch modules to be included in the compose. """ super(ComposeSourceTag, self).__init__( tag, "tag", packages, builds, sigkeys, koji_event, modular_koji_tags, module_defaults_url, module_defaults_commit, scratch_modules, **kwargs )
[docs] class ComposeSourceModule(ComposeSourceGeneric): """ Compose source taking list of modules as input. """ def __init__( self, modules, sigkeys=None, module_defaults_url=None, module_defaults_commit=None, scratch_modules=None, **kwargs ): """ Creates new ComposeSourceModule instance. :param list modules: List of modules in N:S, N:S:V or N:S:V:C format. :param list sigkeys: List of signature keys by which the RPMs in the compose must be signed. Empty string in the list allows unsigned packages. :param str module_defaults_url: URL of module defaults repository. :param str module_defaults_commit: Commit or branch name defining particular point module defaults repository. :param list scratch_modules: List of N:S:V:C of scratch modules to be included in the compose. """ super(ComposeSourceModule, self).__init__( " ".join(modules), "module", sigkeys=sigkeys, module_defaults_url=module_defaults_url, module_defaults_commit=module_defaults_commit, scratch_modules=scratch_modules, **kwargs )
[docs] class ComposeSourcePulp(ComposeSourceGeneric): """ Compose source taking list of Pulp content_sets as input. """ def __init__(self, content_sets, **kwargs): """ Creates new ComposeSourcePulp instance. :param list content_sets: List of Pulp content-sets. Repositories defined by these content-sets will be included in the compose. """ super(ComposeSourcePulp, self).__init__( " ".join(content_sets), "pulp", **kwargs )
[docs] class ComposeSourceRawConfig(ComposeSourceGeneric): """ Compose source taking raw Pungi configuration file as input. """ def __init__(self, config_name, commit, koji_event=None, **kwargs): """ Creates new ComposeSourceRawConfig instance. :param str config_name: The name of Raw Pungi configuration as configured in ODCS server. :param str commit: The commit hash or branch to get the Pungi configuration from. :param int koji_event: Particular Koji event id to generate compose from. If unset, latest Koji event will be used. """ super(ComposeSourceRawConfig, self).__init__( "%s#%s" % (config_name, commit), "raw_config", koji_event=koji_event, **kwargs )
[docs] class ComposeSourceBuild(ComposeSourceGeneric): """ Compose source taking list of Koji builds as input. """ def __init__(self, builds, sigkeys=None, **kwargs): """ Creates new ComposeSourceModule instance. :param list builds: List of NVRs of Koji builds to be included in the compose. :param list sigkeys: List of signature keys by which the RPMs in the compose must be signed. Empty string in the list allows unsigned packages. """ super(ComposeSourceBuild, self).__init__( "", "build", builds=builds, sigkeys=sigkeys, **kwargs )
[docs] class ODCS(object): """Client API to interact with ODCS APIs""" def __init__( self, server_url, api_version="1", verify_ssl=True, auth_mech=None, openidc_token=None, ssl_cert=None, ssl_key=None, ): """Initialize ODCS client :param str server_url: server URL of ODCS. :param str api_version: API version client will call. Version 1 is the default. :param bool verify_ssl: whether to verify SSL certificate over HTTP. By default, always verify, but you are also always able to disable it by passing False. :param AuthMech auth_mech: specify what authentication mechanism is used to interact with ODCS server. Choose one mechanism from AuthMech. Anonymous can be passed to force client not send any authentication information. If this parameter is omitted, same as Anonymous. :param str openidc_token: token got from OpenIDC so that client can be authenticated by ODCS server. This is only required if ``AuthMech.OpenIDC`` is passed to parameter ``auth_mech``. :param str ssl_cert: Path to SSL client certificate to use. This is only required if ``AuthMech.SSL`` is passed to parameter ``auth_mech``. :param str ssl_key: Path to SSL client key to use. This is only required if ``AuthMech.SSL`` is passed to parameter ``auth_mech``. """ self._server_url = server_url self._api_version = api_version self._verify_ssl = verify_ssl if auth_mech == AuthMech.OpenIDC and not openidc_token: raise ValueError( "OpenIDC token must be specified when OpenIDC" " authentication is enabled." ) self._openidc_token = openidc_token if auth_mech == AuthMech.SSL and (not ssl_cert or not ssl_key): raise ValueError( "SSL cert and keymust be specified when SSL" " authentication is enabled." ) self._ssl_cert = ssl_cert self._ssl_key = ssl_key if auth_mech is None: self._auth_mech = AuthMech.Anonymous else: if not AuthMech.has(auth_mech): raise ValueError( "Unknown authentication mechanism {0}".format(auth_mech) ) self._auth_mech = auth_mech @property def server_url(self): return self._server_url @property def api_version(self): return self._api_version @property def auth_mech(self): return self._auth_mech def _make_endpoint(self, resource_path): """Helper method to construct URL to requested resource URL of requested resource consists of the server URL, API version and the resource path. :param str resource_path: the part after API version representing the concrete resource. :return: the whole complete URL of requested resource. :rtype: str """ return urljoin( self._server_url, "api/{0}/{1}".format(self.api_version, resource_path.lstrip("/")), ) def _make_request(self, method, resource_path, data=None): """Make a HTTP request to server :param str method: HTTP request method to send, GET, POST and DELETE are supported. :param str resource_path: path of requested resource. :param dict data: corresponding data with specific request. It is optional. None is default that means no data is send along with request. :return: requests Response object. :rtype: requests.Response :raises: if ODCS does not response 200 or 202, exception will be raised by ``requests.Response.raise_for_status``. """ request_data = {} headers = { "User-Agent": "odcs-client/%s Python/%s" % (client_version, platform.python_version()) } if data: if method in ("post", "patch"): request_data["data"] = json.dumps(data) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" if method == "get": request_data["params"] = data if not self._verify_ssl: request_data["verify"] = False if self.auth_mech == AuthMech.OpenIDC: headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer {0}".format(self._openidc_token) elif self.auth_mech == AuthMech.Kerberos: request_data["auth"] = HTTPSPNEGOAuth() elif self.auth_mech == AuthMech.SSL: request_data["cert"] = (self._ssl_cert, self._ssl_key) # Anonymous is the last possible value and no auth should be set if headers: request_data["headers"] = headers request_method = getattr(requests, method) resource_url = self._make_endpoint(resource_path) redirect = True if method == "post" or method == "patch": redirect = False r = request_method(resource_url, allow_redirects=redirect, **request_data) # Detect redirection if r.status_code == 302 or r.status_code == 301: print("Warning: Request was redirected to {}".format(r.headers["Location"])) resource_url = r.headers["Location"] r = request_method(resource_url, **request_data) # Print error, for debugging if r.status_code not in (200, 202): print(r.text) # Suggest detailed output on auth failure when kerberos auth is used if r.status_code == 401 and self.auth_mech == AuthMech.Kerberos: print( "For traceback please try again the same command with env var KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout" ) r.raise_for_status() return r def _get(self, resource_path, data=None): """Make a GET HTTP request to server""" return self._make_request("get", resource_path, data) def _post(self, resource_path, data=None): """Make a POST HTTP request to server""" return self._make_request("post", resource_path, data) def _delete(self, resource_path, data=None): """Make a DELETE HTTP request to server""" return self._make_request("delete", resource_path, data) def _patch(self, resource_path, data=None): """Make a PATCH HTTP request to server""" return self._make_request("patch", resource_path, data)
[docs] def new_compose( self, source, source_type, seconds_to_live=None, packages=[], flags=[], sigkeys=None, koji_event=None, results=None, arches=None, builds=None, modular_koji_tags=None, module_defaults_url=None, module_defaults_commit=None, scratch_modules=None, lookaside_repos=None, label=None, compose_type=None, ): """Request a new compose .. warning:: This method is deprecated. Please use ``request_compose`` instead. :param str source: from where to grab and make new compose, different value for different ``source_type``. For ``tag`` source type, name of the tag. For ``module`` source type, white-space separated list of module name-stream or name-stream-version. For ``repo`` source type, full path to repository. :param str source_type: source type. ``tag`` for compose from Koji tag, ``module`` for compose from the Fedora module, ``repo`` for compose from local RPM repository. :param int seconds_to_live: Number of seconds for which the compose should become available. :param list packages: List of packages to include in a compose. Must not be set for "module" source_type. :param list flags: List of flags influencing the resulting compose. Valid flags are 1) ``no_deps``, the resulting compose will contain only packages defined in the "packages" list without their dependencies, or for ``source_type`` of "module", only the modules listed in ``source`` without their dependencies. :param list sigkeys: List of signature keys by which the packages in compose must be signed. :param int koji_event: Koji event for populating package set. :param list results: List of additional results which will be generated by ODCS as part of this compose. Can be "iso" for iso files with packages or "boot.iso" for images/boot.iso needed to generate container base images or installable DVDs. :return: the newly created Compose :rtype: dict """ request_data = {"source": {"source": source, "type": source_type}} if packages: request_data["source"]["packages"] = packages if builds: request_data["source"]["builds"] = builds if sigkeys: request_data["source"]["sigkeys"] = sigkeys if koji_event: request_data["source"]["koji_event"] = koji_event if modular_koji_tags: request_data["source"]["modular_koji_tags"] = modular_koji_tags if module_defaults_url: request_data["source"]["module_defaults_url"] = module_defaults_url if module_defaults_commit: request_data["source"]["module_defaults_commit"] = module_defaults_commit if scratch_modules: request_data["source"]["scratch_modules"] = scratch_modules if lookaside_repos: request_data["lookaside_repos"] = lookaside_repos if label: request_data["label"] = label if compose_type: request_data["compose_type"] = compose_type if seconds_to_live is not None: request_data["seconds-to-live"] = seconds_to_live if flags: request_data["flags"] = flags if results: request_data["results"] = results if arches: request_data["arches"] = arches r = self._post("composes/", request_data) return r.json()
[docs] def request_compose(self, source, **kwargs): """ Request new compose. **Example**: .. sourcecode:: python source = ComposeSourceTag("f32-updates", packages="httpd") odcs = ODCS(...) compose = odcs.request_compose(source, arches="x86_64", flags=["nodeps"]) odcs.wait_for_compose(compose["id"]) :param ComposeSourceGeneric source: The source of compose. :param kwargs: Extra arguments passed to "/api/1/composes" POST JSON data. :return: the requested Compose object. :rtype: dict """ request_data = {"source": source.source} request_data.update(kwargs) r = self._post("composes/", request_data) return r.json()
[docs] def renew_compose(self, compose_id, seconds_to_live=None, label=None): """To regenerate an expired compose :param int compose_id: Compose ID to renew. :param string label: The new label of the regenerated Compose. :param int seconds_to_live: Number of seconds for which the compose should become available. :return: the new regenerated Compose :rtype: dict """ request_data = {} if label: request_data["label"] = label if seconds_to_live is not None: request_data["seconds-to-live"] = seconds_to_live r = self._patch("composes/{0}".format(compose_id), request_data) return r.json()
[docs] def find_composes(self, **search_criteria): """Find composes :param dict search_criteria: a mapping containing compose search criteria and pagination arguments. Composes can be searched by ``owner``, ``source_type``, ``source`` and ``state``. :return: list of found composes, each of them is a dict. :rtype: list """ if "page" in search_criteria: validate_page(search_criteria["page"]) if "per_page" in search_criteria: validate_per_page(search_criteria["per_page"]) r = self._get("composes/", search_criteria) return r.json()
[docs] def delete_compose(self, compose_id): """Delete a compose :param int compose_id: compose ID. :return: a mapping representing the acknowledge of a compose is delete. :rtype: dict """ r = self._delete("composes/{0}".format(compose_id)) return r.json()
[docs] def get_compose(self, compose_id): """Get a compose :param int compose_id: compose ID. :return: a mapping representing a compose. :rtype: dict """ r = self._get("composes/{0}".format(compose_id)) return r.json()
[docs] def about(self): """Get information about ODCS server""" r = self._get("about") return r.json()
[docs] def wait_for_compose(self, compose_id, timeout=300, watch_logs=False): """ Polls the ODCS server repeatedly to find out whether the compose moved from "wait" or "generating" state to some final state. Blocks for `timeout` seconds. If the compose does not move to the final state in given time limit, raises RuntimeError. NOTE: It is advised to use this method only in situations where the caller is not able to listen on Fedora messaging bus or UMB bus for the odcs.state.change messages which can inform the caller about the compose state change without the polling. :param int compose_id: compose ID. :param int timeout: Number of seconds to wait/block. :param bool watch_logs: If True, this method prints the compose log to stdout every 10 seconds while waiting for the compose to finish. :rtype: dict :return: a mapping representing a compose """ elapsed = 0 if watch_logs: sleep_time = 10 compose = self.get_compose(compose_id) log = ComposeLog(compose) else: sleep_time = 1 log = None start_time = time.time() while True: compose = self.get_compose(compose_id) if log: data = if data: print(data) if compose["state_name"] not in ["wait", "generating"]: return compose elapsed = time.time() - start_time if elapsed >= timeout: raise RuntimeError( "Retrieving ODCS compose %s timed out after %s seconds" % (compose_id, timeout) ) time.sleep(sleep_time) # Increase the sleep time for next try. But do not try sleeping # longer than the `timeout`. elapsed = time.time() - start_time # Do not increase sleep time in case we are watching logs. if not watch_logs: sleep_time = round(sleep_time * 1.5) if elapsed + sleep_time > timeout: sleep_time = timeout - elapsed