Koji 1.35.2 Release notes

All changes can be found in the roadmap. Most important changes are listed here.

Major change is this release is kojira rewrite and repos on-demand.

Migrating from Koji 1.35.0/1.35.1

No special action are needed.

Security Fixes


Client Changes

Avoid malformed tasks for updated signatures

Older clients displayed scary warnings even for correct (new) API signatures.

Adjust download-build messages

Better user communication in download-build.

Print client version when unable to connect to server

version command displayed nothing when server couldn’t be reached. It displays at least its own version.

wait-repo: wait for a current repo by default

Improved backward compatibility for wait-repo default behaviour.

System Changes

Include tag name in newRepo args

Better readibility in UIs.

RawHeader: fix store offsets when duplicate tags are present

Improved handling of duplicate rpm headers (which sometimes happened in old rpm versions).

Drop cvs requirement.

CVS is now not a hard install requirement as most instances will probably never see it again. If you are expecting to builds from cvs, just install it on builders manually.

Don’t prepopulate log list for mavenBuild

Bug fix for handling upload of maven log files.

Fix for reading config files when contains UTF-8 chars

Better support for unicode in config files.

Improve min_event handling in RepoWatcher

RepoWatcher could have returned older repo in some cases.

Wrong types in default hub values

New repo-related configuration values have wrong type casting, so hub could have complained about string vs integer values there.

F42: sbindir is now bindir

Fedora is unifying bin and sbin directories, so from this release up we’re installing programs to bin.

API Changes

newRepo: support hints for oldrepo value

Performance improvement for some situation like clone-tag initial repo.

Fix repo handing for bare wrapperRPM task

wrapper-rpm command wasn’t requesting current repo under new repo management.

Stabilize order for listTagged

Return listTagged output ordered even for cases when two builds were tagged in same event.

Fix latest symlink check

Always preserver latest symlink for repos.

Provide user for scm policy check

Additional user variable sent to scm policy check, so e.g. user test can be used there now.


Adjust arches warning message for external repo check

Better message in kojira’s log.

Allow setting ccache in config

ccache can now be set also in kojira’s config.

Consistent daemon exit codes

Exit codes are now consistent across kojid, kojira and kojivmd.

Split currency and regen

If there is a lot of autoregenerated tags, some user-specified repo regen requests could have been delayed. Now these are running in separate threads.

Web UI

Drop cgi import

Python’s cgi library is removed in 3.13, so dropping it also from koji code.

Fix for non-existent target_info

Deleted targets caused failing web pages.

No hyperlink in title

HTML tag was present in title value.

Devtools and tests

choose correct import machinery in unit test

Update py2 tests

combination of test-requirements(-py2).txt

enable tests/test_lib for py2

flake8 fix

unittest: use unittest.mock instead of mock

fix check-api for python3 bin and requirement of setuptools


migration notes for repo generation

Update paths in migration docs