
Following plugins are available in default koji installation.


Plugin for running any command in buildroot. It has three parts as most of the others (hub, builder and CLI).


You enable plugin by editing /etc/kojid.conf by adding plugin = runroot there. Plugin itself has separate configuration file on each builder located at /etc/kojid/plugins/runroot.conf There is a sample configuration file with option descriptions installed.


On the hub side Plugins = runroot_hub needs to be added to /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf. Note, that by default policy runroot tasks are assigned to runroot channel. As this is a plugin, we don’t create it automatically. There are three options - create channel when adding first builder there via koji add-host-to-channel --new hostname runroot or by changing the default channel policy according to Defining Hub Policies. Last option is to use --channel-override option in CLI to drive task to channel of choice.


CLI is looking for available plugins every run, so it if it is installed, you’ll see new command runroot with options described in its help. No config options are needed to enable it.

Save Failed Tree

In some cases developers want to investigate exact environment in which their build failed. Reconstructing this environment via mock needn’t end with exactly same structure (due to builder settings, etc.). In such case this plugin can be used to retrieve tarball with complete mock tree.

Additional feature is that some paths from buildroot can be left out from tarball. Feature can be configured via /etc/kojid/plugins/save_failed_tree.conf file. Currently only field filters.paths is used and it consists of globs (standard python’s fnmatch is used) separated by whitespaces.

paths = /etc/*.keytab /tmp/secret_data


For security reasons, currently all /tmp/krb5cc* and /etc/*.keytab files are removed from tarball. If we found some other dangerous pieces, they can be added to this blacklist.

Special task method is created for achieving this which is called SaveFailedTree. This task can be created via CLI: koji save-failed-tree <taskID>. Additional options are:


directs koji to create tarball with complete tree.


exit immediately after creating task


don’t print any information to output

After task finishes, one can find the tarball on relevant task web page (URL will be printed to stdout until --quiet is used.

Plugin allow to save trees only for tasks defined in config /etc/koji-hub/plugins/save_failed_tree.conf. Option allowed_methods contains list of comma-delimited names of tasks. Default configuration contains line: allowed_methods = buildArch. Anybody is allowed to create this type of task (and download tarball).


Don’t forget that this type of task can generate huge amount of data, so use it wisely.


  • Separate volume/directory on hub

  • garbage collector + policy for retaining generated tarballs


Sidetag plugin is originally work of Mikolaj Izdebski and was pulled into base koji due to easier integration with rest of the code.

It is used for managing sidetags which are light-weight short-lived build tags for developer’s use. Sidetag creation is governed by hub’s policy.


Example for /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf:

PluginPath = /usr/lib/koji-hub-plugins
Plugins = sidetag_hub

sidetag =
    # allow maximum of 10 sidetags per user for f30-build tag
    tag f30-build && compare number_of_tags <= 10 :: allow
    # forbid everything else
    all :: deny

package_list =
    # allow blocking for owners in their sidetags
    match action block && is_sidetag_owner :: allow
    all :: deny

There are two special policy tests is_sidetag and is_sidetag_owner with expectable behaviour. is_sidetag_owner can handle optional tag/fromtag/both keywords which specify data to be tested. Default is testing tag in policy data, fromtag can test this field (e.g. in untagBuild case) and both fails if any of the involved tags is not owned by sidetag owner.

Now Sidetag Koji plugin should be installed. To verify that, run koji list-api command – it should now display createSideTag as one of available API calls.

Plugin has also its own configuration file /etc/koji-hub/plugins/sidetag.conf which contains following options:

remove_empty = off

If this is set, sidetag is automatically deleted when last package is untagged from there.

allowed_suffixes =

List of strings delimited by commas. These suffixes are then allowed to be requested via createSideTag

name_template = {basetag}s-side-{tag_id}d

Python string template to be used for generation of sidetag name. It needs to contain both basetag/tag_id placeholders.

Parent tag can define following extras:

sidetag_debuginfo_allowed = 0

If set to 1/True, debuginfo repo could be created (with_debuginfo can be set for tag by sidetag owner via --debuginfo option)

sidetag_rpm_macros_allowed = None

This option can be set to space-separated fnmatch masks which allows user to override specific rpm macros. (koji edit-sidetag <tag> --rpm-macro <macro>).


For convenient handling, also CLI part is provided. Typical session would look like:

$ koji add-sidetag f30-build --wait
Successfully waited 1:36 for a new f30-build-side-123456 repo

$ koji remove-sidetag f30-build-side-123456


And in scripts, you can use following calls:

import koji
ks = koji.ClientSession('')

Proton messaging

The protonmsg plugin for the hub will, if enabled, send a wide range of messages about Koji activity to the configured amqps message brokers. Most callback events on the hub are translated into messages.

In order to enable this plugin, you must:

  • add protonmsg to the Plugins setting in /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf

  • provide a configuration file for the plugin at /etc/koji-hub/plugins/protonmsg.conf

The configuration file is ini-style format with three sections: broker, queue and message. The [broker] section defines how the plugin connects to the message bus. The following fields are understood:

  • urls – a space separated list of amqps urls. Additional urls are treated as fallbacks. The plugin will send to the first one that accepts the message

  • cert – the combined client cert and key file for authenticating koji to the broker.

  • cacert – the CA certificate to verify the broker server TLS connection

  • topic_prefix – Koji uses this string as a prefix for all message topics. For example, if you choose topic://koji, then Koji will publish messages on topic://koji.package.add when an user runs kojidev add-pkg etc. Use topic:// prefixes for ActiveMQ brokers, /topic/ for RabbitMQ brokers.

  • connect_timeout – the number of seconds to wait for a connection before timing out

  • send_timeout – the number of seconds to wait while sending a message before timing out

The [message] section sets parameters for how messages are formed. Currently only one field is understood:

  • extra_limit – the maximum allowed size for build.extra fields that appear in messages. If the build.extra field is longer (in terms of json-encoded length), then it will be omitted. The default value is 0 which means no limit.

The [queue] section controls how (or if) the plugin will use the database to queue messages when they cannot be immediately sent. The following fields are understood:

  • enabled – if true, then the feature is enabled

  • batch_size – the maximum number of queued messages to send at one time

  • max_age – the age (in hours) at which old messages in the queue are discarded

It is important to note that the database queue is only a fallback mechanism. The plugin will always attempt to send messages as they are issued. Messages are only placed in the database queue when they cannot be immediately sent on the bus (e.g. if the amqps server is offline).

Admins should consider the balance between the batch_size and extra_limit options, as both can affect the total amount of data that the plugin could attempt to send during a single call.

Image builds using Kiwi

Plugin for creating images via kiwi project. Minimal supported version of kiwi is kiwi-9.24.2.

All three parts (cli/hub/builder) needs to be installed. There is currently no configuration except allowing the plugins (name is ‘kiwi’ for all components).

Builders don’t need to have any specific library installed (kiwi invocation/usage is only in buildroots not on builder itself). (Temporarily python3-kiwi needs to be installed on builder for kojid to be able to parse kiwi output. It will be changed to json in next version and this requirement will be dropped.)

image channel is the default one and channel policy can be used to request other channel for this type of tasks as usual.

Buildtag needs to be configured by adding special group kiwi which should contain at least kiwi-cli, potentially jing for better description files validation and any kiwi-systemdeps-* packages for requested image types. So, most simple configuration will look like:

$ koji add-group kiwi-build-tag kiwi-build
$ koji add-group-pkg kiwi-build-tag kiwi-build kiwi-cli kiwi-systemdeps

Another thing we need to ensure is that we’re building in chroot and not in container.

$ koji edit-tag kiwi-build-tag -x mock.new_chroot=False

Calling the build itself is a matter of simple CLI call:

Selecting other than default kiwi profile can be done by --kiwi-profile option. Similarly to other image tasks, alternative architecture failures can be ignored for successful build by --can-fail option. --arch can be used to limit build tag architectures.

There are some limitation to used kiwi configuration:

  • include node can use only this:// protocol. Other types like file:// or https:// could reach out of the repo preventing reproducible build.

  • All repositories from description (and included files) are removed and replaced by buildroot repo and other repositories specified by --repo option.

Driver Update Disks building

This is just a tech-preview. API/usage can drastically change in upcoming releases

Plugin for creating Driver Update Disks with xorrisofs.

All three parts (cli/hub/builder) needs to be installed. There is currently no configuration except allowing the plugins (name is ‘dud’ for all components).

Builders don’t need to have any specific library installed (xorrisofs invocation/usage is only in buildroots not on builder itself).

Buildtag needs to be configured by adding special group dud-build which should contain the following packages:

$ koji add-group dud-build-tag dud-build
$ koji add-group-pkg dud-build-tag dud-build xorriso
$ koji add-group-pkg dud-build-tag dud-build createrepo_c
$ koji add-group-pkg dud-build-tag dud-build dnf
$ koji add-group-pkg dud-build-tag dud-build dnf-plugins-core

Another thing we need to ensure is that we’re building in chroot and not in container.

$ koji edit-tag dud-build-tag -x mock.new_chroot=False

Calling the build itself is a matter of simple CLI call:

The command options allows to bring all the package dependencies into the DUD ISO with --alldeps. --scmurl allows to include non-RPM related content inside the produced ISO.

Similarly to other image tasks, alternative architecture failures can be ignored for successful build by --can-fail option. --arch can be used to limit build tag architectures.


Koji plugin to automatically regenerate distrepos on tag operations

It uses the following options on a tag to control behaviour:

  • tag2distrepo.enabled: set to “true” to enable automatic distrepos

  • tag2distrepo.keys: set to a space-separated list of keys to use for distrepos

Following parameters correspond to relevant brew dist-repo options.

  • tag2distrepo.inherit: follow inheritance (default: False)

  • tag2distrepo.latest: use only latest tagged builds (default: False)

  • tag2distrepo.split_debuginfo: separate directory for debuginfo default: False

The tag must have at least one arch configured on it.

Installing plugin on Koji Hub

  1. Edit the following settings in /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf to enable the plugin:

PluginPath = /usr/lib/koji-hub-plugins
Plugins = tag2distrepo
  1. Reload Apache

$ systemctl reload httpd

Example usage

Here is an example of enabling the plugin on an “f33-infra” tag. Create the tag and ensure it has at least one arch and a package list (direct or inherited) so we can tag packages into it.

$ koji add-tag f33-infra --arches=x86_64
$ koji add-pkg --owner kdreyer f33-infra bash

Set the extra options on the tag so the plugin will generate the repository:

$ koji edit-tag -x tag2distrepo.enabled=True -x tag2distrepo.keys=47dd8ef9 f33-infra

Tag a new build to trigger the plugin:

$ koji tag f33-infra bash-5.0.17-2.fc33

The hub will immediately queue a new distRepo task, using the tagBuild task host as the distRepo task owner. When the distRepo task completes, you can find the new repository under the topurl for your Koji instance.

To confirm that the tag has the correct options set, use the koji taginfo command:

$ koji taginfo f33-infra
Tag: f33-infra [18680]
Arches: x86_64
Tag options:
  tag2distrepo.enabled : 'true'
  tag2distrepo.keys : '47dd8ef9'

To disable the plugin for the same tag:

$ koji edit-tag -r tag2distrepo.enabled -r tag2distrepo.keys f33-infra

Using Multiple Keys

If you want to create a repository that contains builds signed by more than one key, list your desired key IDs ordered by preference.

For example:

$ koji edit-tag coreos-pool -x tag2distrepo.keys="45719a39 9867c58f 38ab71f4 5323552a"

For each RPM in the tag, Koji will use the first signed copy that it finds. In other words, Koji will try the first key (45719a39), and if Koji does not have the first key’s signature for that RPM, then it will try the second key (9867c58f), third key (38ab71f4), and so on.

SCM policy

This plugin adds additional policy check after content is checked out from SCM. New policy is simply named scm.

Data which can be checked there contains build_tag, method, scratch, and branches fields. Especially branches is the reason - policy can e.g. check if reference being built is part of any allowed branch and e.g. not random commit which can disappear later. Two new policy tests are part of the plugin match_any and match_all which tests the list against glob. So, in this case any (or all respectively) branch must pass the glob test.

Example policy:

scm =
   # anything can be built as a scratch build
   bool scratch :: allow

   # regular build must be present at lease on one branch
   match_all branches * !! deny Source ref must be contained in a branch

   # Combination of method, scm and repo
   method buildContainer && buildtag container-test-* && match scm_host && match scm_repository /containers/* :: allow

   # deny any other buildContainer task
   method buildContainer :: deny Only specific buildContainer tasks can be executed

   # allow anything else
   all :: allow


Plugin is simply activated by adding it as plugin = scmpolicy to /etc/kojid.conf. No other configuration is required.