Package-specific policies

Greenwave can load and enforce package-specific policies from dist-git, in
addition to the global policies in Greenwave's configuration.

For Greenwave administrators, see :doc:`policies` for details about how to turn
on this feature.

If you are a package maintainer, you can write a package-specific policy by
creating a specially named :file:`gating.yaml` file in the root of your
package's dist-git repository. When Greenwave is making a decision about your
package, it will apply your package-specific rules *in addition to* any rules
in the global Greenwave policies.

Here is an example :file:`gating.yaml` file:

.. code-block:: yaml

   --- !Policy
     - fedora-*
   decision_context: bodhi_update_push_testing
   subject_type: koji_build
     - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: org.centos.prod.ci.pipeline.allpackages-build.package.test.functional.complete}
   --- !Policy
     - fedora-*
   decision_context: bodhi_update_push_stable
   subject_type: koji_build
     - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: org.centos.prod.ci.pipeline.allpackages-build.package.test.functional.complete}

The structure of the file is the same as the policies in Greenwave's
configuration, with the only difference that the "id" key is optional.

``product_versions``, ``decision_context`` and ``subject_type`` in the
:file:`gating.yaml` file should match with the defined values in the global
policy defined in the Greenwave conf that contains the ``RemoteRule``
that will enable this check. If ``product_versions`` are not specified
in the remote :file:`gating.yaml`, values from the global policy will be used.

The ``subject_type`` should always be defined and the permitted values are
``koji_build``, ``redhat-module`` and ``redhat-container-image``.
If no ``subject_type`` will be specified the default value is ``koji_build``.

Refer to :doc:`policies` for details about each of the keys in the YAML file.

.. _tolerate-invalid-gating-yaml:

Tolerate an invalid remote rule file

A gating.yaml file is considered invalid if it has an invalid syntax (yaml
parser errors), if it contains a RemoteRule rule or if it is an invalid Policy
If this situation happens Greenwave will return a negative response in the
decision API (policies_satisfied == False and summary == misconfigured
gating.yaml file) and it will not be possible to ship the build.

To skip this problem, it is possible to submit a waiver with the tool
`waiverdb-cli <https://pagure.io/docs/waiverdb/>`_. This waiver must have
``testcase`` equal to ``invalid-gating-yaml``. It is not necessary to have
a result in Resultsdb for this testcase.

The side effect is that all the policies defined in the remote rule
file will be completely ignored by Greenwave.

.. _missing-gating-yaml:

Missing remote rule file

Missing remote rule file (i.e. not present in the configured repo) is just skipped
and not treated as unsatisfied requirement by default. To change this, ``required`` boolean
attribute of ``RemoteRule`` must be set to ``true``.

.. code-block:: yaml

   --- !Policy
   id: some_policy
   product_versions: [fedora-*]
   decision_context: bodhi_update_push_testing
   subject_type: koji_build
     - !RemoteRule {required: true}

For such policy, missing remote rule file could result in the following decision.

.. code-block:: json

     "applicable_policies": ["some_policy"],
     "policies_satisfied": false,
     "satisfied_requirements": []
     "summary": "1 of 1 required tests failed",
     "unsatisfied_requirements": [{
       "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.f31",
       "subject_type": "koji_build",
       "testcase": "missing-gating-yaml",
       "type": "missing-gating-yaml"

.. _tutorial-configure-remoterule:

Tutorial - How to configure the RemoteRule

If you want to add some additional policies, you can follow this

We need to write a remote rule file. The one for this example will
be this one:


        --- !Policy
          - fedora-28
        decision_context: bodhi_update_push_stable
        subject_type: koji_build
          - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.depcheck}

*NB*. It is not possible to insert a RemoteRule inside a remote rule file.
This will provoke an error.

You need now to push the new file (or the changes) in your dist-git
repo. Once this is done you can build it (in the directory with the
source code of your project):


        fedpkg build

Now you can find in the link of the build in Koji the nvr of the build.
Example: ``python-ansi2html-1.1.1-114.fc28``

In case of a misconfigured remote rule you would need to repeate the
build. To avoid this it is possible to validate the remote rule file
before starting the build.
To do that you can use this command (in this example we are using the
Fedora Greenwave instance in production):


        curl --data-binary "@gating.yaml" -X POST \

Greenwave will reply point to the error if there is one.

To check if the remote policies are loaded correctly, we can call the
Greenwave decision API. Those are the data for the request, we can save
them in a ``data.json`` file:

.. code-block:: json

            "decision_context": "bodhi_update_push_stable",
            "product_version": "fedora-28",
            "subject_type": "koji_build",
            "subject_identifier": "python-ansi2html-1.1.1-114.fc28",
            "verbose": true

The ``subject_identifier`` needs to be the same value of the nvr that
we obtained from the Koji build. ``decision_context``,
``product_version`` and ``subject_type`` must match a policy that has
the ``RemoteRule``. You can verify that looking at the
``/api/v1.0/policies`` endpoint.
Example: https://greenwave.fedoraproject.org/api/v1.0/policies

If there is no applicable policy in Greenwave configuration yet, the field
``decision_context`` can be replaced with ``rules``, e.g.:

.. code-block:: json

            "rules": [{"type": "RemoteRule", "required": true}],
            "product_version": "fedora-28",
            "subject_type": "koji_build",
            "subject_identifier": "python-ansi2html-1.1.1-114.fc28",
            "verbose": true

To call the API we can now use this command (in this example we are
using the Fedora Greenwave instance in production):


        curl -d "@data.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \

Since we shouldn't have a result in ResultsDB with testcase
`dist.depcheck``, Greenwave should reply with a negative response, in
particular we should see that some requirements are unsatisfied.
Once you create a result in ResultsDB for that testcase (with
``outcome`` equal to ``PASSED``), you will see that the Greenwave
decision will change and all the requirements will be satisfied (if
everything was configured in the correct way).

If your remote rule file is misconfigured, Greenwave will reply
that the remote rule file is wrong. If you just want to skip this check
without build again, just look at the previous section in this page.

.. _fetching-gating-yaml:

How is the remote rule file being retrieved?

The remote rule file (usually called ``gating.yaml``) is downloaded
from a repository based on the source URL of a specific build in Koji.
Different URLs can be set for different subject types.

More specifically, Greenwave first gets the build data ``koji call getBuild
$NVR``. Then it parses URL in "source" field to get namespace ("rpms" or
"containers" etc.), the git commit and package name (or rather the git
repository name).

For HTTP method, the remote rule URL is constructed based on the URL template
specified in Greenwave configuration. The URL template is something like::
