.. _release_1.36:

fedpkg 1.36 Release Notes

Released on *February 1, 2018*

This release requires ``rpkg >= 1.57``.

Python compatibility

fedpkg works with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7.

What's new in fedpkg 1.36

Add support for a `flatpaks` namespace

flatpaks will be added as a separate namespace in Fedora distgit:
see more info at `fedora devel mailing list`_.

The handling will be like modules - where flatpaks are currently:
- No bugzilla bug is required for repository creation
- Branch names must be valid module stream names

Make `fedpkg update` work for containers

We don't really have an NVR available, but users can fill it in by themselves.
Also add ``severity=`` option to ``fedpkg update`` template. This is now
required argument for all security updates.

Change Logs

* Added update-docs script (onosek)
* Sdist fix and Python 2.6 compatibility (onosek)
* Add support for a 'flatpaks' namespace (otaylor)
* Move argparse fix to rpkg - `#299`_ (onosek)
* Fix update command related tests (cqi)
* Make update work for containers - `#296`_ (lsedlar)
* Add 'severity=' option to 'fedpkg update' template (praiskup)
* Add contributing guide - `#293`_ (lsedlar)
* Use module distro instead of platform - `#278`_ (cqi)
* Add missing content to 1.35 release notes (cqi)
* Help: Use foo in foo examples, not name (miro)

.. _`fedora devel mailing list`: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/LOLYI2FHGCVJ7EKC6NB3CZ3ACBRKQFCK/
.. _`#299`: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/issue/299
.. _`#296`: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/issue/296
.. _`#293`: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/issue/293
.. _`#278`: https://pagure.io/fedpkg/issue/278