.. _release_1.34:

fedpkg 1.34 Release Notes

Released on *July 19, 2018*

This release requires ``rpkg >= 1.55``.

Python compatibility

fedpkg works with Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.6.

What's new in fedpkg 1.34

OIDC authentication is enabled via HTTPS

OIDC authentication is enabled to let you push local changes to dist-git via
HTTPS. That means you don't have to request SSH permission to contribute to
a package.

Command `override` to operate Bodhi update

This new command has two subcommands to create and extend expiration

An update could be created from a repository by generating build NVR from
current active release branch, or outside a repository by providing the NVR

To create an update inside a repository, ensure switch to a release branch,
e.g. f28::

  fedpkg override create

To create an update outside a repository::

  fedpkg override create foo-0.1-1.fc28

By default, update created from fedpkg has 7 days to be alive. ``--duration``
could be used to change this default number of days.

The expiration date of created update could be expanded by subcommand

  fedpkg override extend 5 foo-0.1-1.fc28

This command extends update of build ``foo-0.1-1.fc28`` by 5 days.

Please refer to man page for details.

.. note::

  fedpkg works with ``bodhi-client >= 2.0`` only.

Pass repository name to `request-repo` explicitly

Previously the new repository name, aka the package, module, or container name,
to be requested is specified by a global option ``--module-name`` (which is
deprecated already since rpkg-1.55). There were several issues reported for
that because it would confuse packagers easily with the word "module". To Avoid
the confusion, command ``request-repo`` has a new argument name to specify
repository name for clarity and optional ``--namespace`` option to indicate
namespace for the repository.

Here is an example to request a RPM package ``foo`` with package review bug ID

  fedpkg request-repo foo 123456

Another example to request a module ``bar``::

  fedpkg request-repo --namespace modules bar

.. warning::

  Original form ``fedpkg --module-name foo request-repo`` is not supported.
  Please switch to the new command form.

Optional repository name and namespace to `request-branch`

Command ``request-branch`` now has its own option ``--repo`` and
``--namespace`` to make it easy to use and avoid any potential confusion.
You can request a branch like this way::

  fedpkg request-branch --repo foo f28

If ``--namespace`` is not specified, it defaults to ``rpms``. In order to
request a branch for non-RPM stuff, it accepts specific dist-git namespace like
namespace option in other commands. Here is an example to request a branch for
a module::

  fedpkg request-branch --repo bar --namespace modules 10

.. note::

  Global option ``--name`` and ``--namespace`` are usable for
  ``request-branch``. However, it is recommended to use new options instead for

Change Logs

* Get csrf token properly when retry bodhi API call (cqi)
* Accept old config with module instead of repo (lsedlar)
* Add option --namespace to command request-branch (cqi)
* Add argument name and option --namespace to request-repo - `#193`_ `#200`_ (cqi)
* Add explicit option --repo for request-branch - `#244`_ (cqi)
* Do not use deprecated option module-name (cqi)
* Remove compatible code with EL5 in bash completion (cqi)
* Handle Bodhi login automatically (cqi)
* Refine command override create (cqi)
* request-repo: Fix API token help text - `#232`_ (tmz)
* Use base_module in clone_config - `#230`_ (tmz)
* Extend override by number of days or specific date - `#67`_ (cqi)
* Use refactored man from pyrpkg (puiterwijk)
* Add new command for creating override in Bodhi - `#92`_ (cqi)
* Also remove bodhi url from config (cqi)
* Check bodhi version earlier (cqi)
* Drop support of bodhi-client 0.9 - `#223`_ (cqi)
* Use custom ArgumentParser from pyrpkg.cli (jkucera)
* Add OIDC config (puiterwijk)
* Fix argparse error in Python 3 - `#221`_ (cqi)

.. _`#67`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/67
.. _`#92`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/92
.. _`#193`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/193
.. _`#200`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/200
.. _`#221`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/221
.. _`#223`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/223
.. _`#230`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/230
.. _`#232`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/232
.. _`#244`: https://pagure.io/rpkg/issue/244