3. Register it and add it to your hub

3.1. Register the widget

To register your newly created widget, you will first have to declare the package on your Vagrant VM’s virtualenv. Connect to your VM using Vagrant’s SSH command:

cd ../fedora-hubs
vagrant ssh

Then inform the Python virtualenv that your new widget package is available:

source /srv/hubs/venv/bin/activate
cd /srv/hubs/widget-workshop/widget/
python setup.py develop

Don’t forget the first command or you will not be using the virtualenv’s Python. Now that Hubs’ virtualenv knows about your new widget package, it is time to declare it in Hubs’ configuration file. This is how Hubs knows which widgets are available.

Edit the /srv/hubs/config/hubs_config.py file. Also edit the /srv/hubs/fedora-hubs/hubs/default_config.py file and copy the contents of the WIDGETS list over to the first configuration file. Now add workshop_widget:WorkshopWidget to this list.

Start Hubs by running the honcho start command from the user’s home directory. Now you will add this new widget to your own hub.

3.2. Add the widget to your hub

  1. Go back to your browser on http://localhost:5000/
  2. If you are not logged-in, use the login link on the top-right of the page and login with your Fedora credentials
  3. Click on “My Hub” in the left menu. You are now viewing your personal hub.
  4. Click on the “edit page layout” button on the right
  5. Click on one of the “+ Add a widget” links
  6. In the dropdown, select “Workshop-Widget”, and click “Add”

The widget is now added to your hub. If you have added the widget to the right column, it may appear further down the page. You can click on the “Save changes” button on the right to leave the edit mode.