
.. _webhook_hacking:

COPR auto-rebuilds with custom Git repositories

Even if your Git repository is not hosted on Gitlab, Github, Bitbucket or Pagure, you can still have continuous integration with COPR. That is, you can launch auto-rebuilds on push events. It just requires a bit more work and access to the server where the repository is hosted.

In your bare Git repository on the server, place the following
code into yourrepo.git/hooks/post-receive (the file should be executable)::


    import requests
    import sys
    import json

    while True:
        line = sys.stdin.readline()
        if not line:

        old_value, new_value, ref_name = line.split()

        payload = {
            "object_kind": "push",
            "before": old_value,
            "after": new_value,
            "ref": ref_name,
            "project": {
                # this needs to be the same as "SCM URL" for SCM-2 method
                "git_http_url": "https://yourserver/yourrepo.git",

        webhook_url = "https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/webhooks/gitlab/5642/393984f7-4c72-4c41-ba70-7f0abd54b3de/"
        r = requests.post(webhook_url, json=payload)

This code is invoked when new ref is pushed (you can read more `here <https://git-scm.com/docs/githooks#post-receive>`_).
You need to replace `webhook_url` value with the actual webhook url for your COPR project. You can find these under
Settings/Webhooks in your project and you should use the Gitlab webhook url because we are using Gitlab-formatted payload
in this example.

This approach is currently only possible with SCM-2 (previously MockSCM) source-type because SCM-1 (previously Tito) checks
also for modified files in the received payload and you would need to supply this information in 'commits' field additionally
(see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/webhooks.html#push-events and the example message in that section
to see how the 'commits' field should look like).