.. _release_notes_2023_11_28:

Fixes in the 2023-11-28 release

This update does not include updated client packages.

- Added many compatibility fixes for the Fedora 39 environment.

- Source builds (building SRPMs from forges, etc.) no longer communicate with
  the ``copr-keygen`` instance.  This change aims to speed up overall build
  processing and resolve a race condition between "key-pair preparation" and
  the signing of the first "srpm build" products which used to fail in some

- Resubmitting a Custom build now copies additional external per-build
  repositories into the new build.

- Default maximum configurable time for temporary projects is now set to 2 years
  (previously 2 months).

- When a build chroot ends up in the "skipped" state, web-UI now documents the
  reasons for the skip.

- The "priority" field for per-project repositories is now better explained in
  the web UI form.

- The "priority" field in repositories is now also included in the
  ``dnf5 copr enable`` repo files.

- The repository pruning script no longer fails for directories lacking the
  ``./repodata`` subdirectory.  This typically indicates a previous
  ``createrepo_c`` failure.  The now runs ``createrepo_c`` itself to create the
  missing ``./repodata`` directory.
  ``createrepo_c`` failed previously for any reason.

- The new version implemented a more granular per-architecture/per-user limit
  for applying finer-grained FUP (Fair Usage Policy).

- The new version brings an improved detection and handling of stalled SSH
  connections to builders.