.. _release_notes_2023_08_16:

Highlights from 2023-08-16 release

Updated client packages are shipped in `Fedora 37`_, `Fedora 38`_, `EPEL 7`_,
`EPEL 8`_, and `EPEL 9`_ Bodhi updates.

Possibility to specify a priority for a repository

DNF repositories may have the ``priority=N`` value set in ``.repo`` files.  If
some package exists in multiple repositories, DNF installs the one with the
latest greatest NEVRA, unless repo priority is different.  Then, no matter the
NEVRA, the package from the most prioritized repo is installed by DNF. See
``man dnf.conf`` for more info. With this release, you can newly ``copr
create --repo-priority N`` to configure the repo ``priority=N`` value.  The
result of using values ``>= 99`` typically is that both at buildtime and
runtime, packages from the corresponding Copr project repository are always
preferred by DNF.

Skip chroots based on ``ExcludeArch`` and ``ExclusiveArch``

Packages can define ``ExcludeArch`` and ``ExclusiveArch`` in their spec file to
indicate which architectures are (not) supported and for which the package
should not be built. These specfile tags are now respected by Copr, and
builds in the "excluded" chroots are silently skipped without causing
overall build failure (previously the build was started, leading to
an expected ``rpmbuild`` chroot build failure, and overall build failure).


- `#2695`_ - Copr defines custom RPM macros in the buildroot. `They are now
- `#1755`_ - New documentation `how to reproduce build locally`_
- We started documenting the list of `known Copr instances`_

Notable changes

- `@pkking`_ contributed many patches to support running Copr servers on
- `#2791`_ - The default PyPI spec generator is now ``pyp2spec``
- `#2627`_ - Each Copr build is done in two phases. First, a SRPM package is
  built from outside sources, and then RPM packages are built for each
  chroot. However, each RPM build silently rebuilt the SRPM package for the
  second time. We now skip this intermediate step to make the builds faster.
- `#2779`_ - New script to measure the time between failed and succeeded builds
- Temporary projects are not listed on the main page anymore
- Option to download only log files using ``copr-cli download-build``
- Speedup of custom builds that use a bootstrap image by not installing
- Projects that opted-in for running ``fedora-review`` now provide
  ``review.json`` file next to the standard ``review.txt`` (see
- Copr started using the `python-specfile`_ library for getting metadata about
  the package being built, instead of (a) generating an SRPM and (b) reading
  metadata from that SRPM.  This allows us to get distro-agnostic metadata
  (e.g. ``Release`` without ``%dist`` tag  by overriding it to an empty string),
  and e.g. send valid messages, see `#1701`_.


- `RHBZ 2046034`_ - We started releasing copr-rpmbuild for EPEL9 as well
- `#2410`_ - Probably the most frequently reported bug as of late. The ``cgit``
  web interface for Copr DistGit was temporarily disabled because it could
  easily DOS the server.
- `#2739`_ - DNF5 is always updated to the latest version on builders
- `#2772`_ - Some webhooks triggers were missed and didn't trigger
  appropriate Copr packages
- `#2563`_ - Fixed links to LDAP groups
- `#2825`_ - It is possible to create only one Copr group per FAS group
- `#2847`_ - Package imports were failing because of rpkg pre-push
- `fedora-review-service#28`_, `FedoraReview#486`_ - If the ``fedora-review``
  command failed, it produced results to an incorrect directory, making all URLs
  return 404
- `#2854`_ - It is now possible to specify fully-qualified bootstrap images,
  e.g. ``registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:rawhide``

.. _`Fedora 37`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2023-0966b33a92
.. _`Fedora 38`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2023-44860fb082
.. _`EPEL 7`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2023-4519b66845
.. _`EPEL 8`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2023-134dfe248c
.. _`EPEL 9`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2023-69b82c6596

.. _`RHBZ 2046034`: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2046034
.. _`#2695`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2695
.. _`#2739`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2739
.. _`#2410`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2410
.. _`#2772`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2772
.. _`#1755`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/1755
.. _`#2779`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2779
.. _`#2791`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2791
.. _`#2825`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2825
.. _`#2563`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2563
.. _`#2847`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2847
.. _`#2854`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2854
.. _`#2627`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2627
.. _`#1701`: https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/1701
.. _`fedora-review-service#28`: https://github.com/FrostyX/fedora-review-service/issues/28
.. _`FedoraReview#486`: https://pagure.io/FedoraReview/issue/486
.. _`FedoraReview#310`: https://pagure.io/FedoraReview/issue/310

.. _`They are now documented`: https://docs.pagure.org/copr.copr/user_documentation.html#rpm-macros
.. _`known Copr instances`: https://docs.pagure.org/copr.copr/user_documentation.html#public-copr-instances
.. _`@pkking`: https://github.com/pkking
.. _`openEuler`: https://www.openeuler.org/en/
.. _`how to reproduce build locally`: https://docs.pagure.org/copr.copr/user_documentation/reproducing_builds.html#reproducing-builds
.. _`python-specfile`: https://github.com/packit/specfile