.. _release_notes_2022_08_18:

Highlights from 2022-08-18 release

Updated client packages are shipped in `Fedora 35`_,
`Fedora 36`_, `EPEL 7`_, `EPEL 8`_, and `EPEL 9`_ Bodhi updates.

Packit integration

The `Packit service`_ is using a single Fedora Copr account ``packit`` for doing
all the heavy Copr work.  Therefore Packit users need to explicitly allow the
``packit`` user to at least build in, or even administer their Copr projects in
order to integrate the services.

Packit service reacts on events in many forge (currently GitHub) projects.
But typically only one forge project (or a small set) should build into
the pre-configured Copr project.  That's why there's a new option
Copr-side to specify the set of forge projects that can build in given
Copr project::

    $ copr create --packit-forge-project-allowed github.com/owner/projectname
    $ copr modify --packit-forge-project-allowed github.com/owner/projectname

This is going to be better documented Packit-side.

RPM download statistics

Fedora Copr build results have been served through the AWS CloudFront "proxy"
for some time already.  So it's been a bit harder task to calculate the RPM
downloads numbers (`RHBZ 1483218`_).  This release brings several enhancements
and fixes for the stats calculation mechanism, so we should be able to again
provide the downloads statistics very soon.

.. _`Fedora 35`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-456b3b30e7
.. _`Fedora 36`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-456b3b30e7
.. _`EPEL 7`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2022-9a10937ed4
.. _`EPEL 8`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2022-c61f647658
.. _`EPEL 9`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2022-88150b1edf

.. _`Packit service`: https://packit.dev/docs/

.. _`RHBZ 1483218`: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1483218