.. _release_notes_2022_07_27:

Highlights from 2022-07-27 release

Updated client packages are shipped in `Fedora 35`_,
`Fedora 36`_, `EPEL 7`_, `EPEL 8`_, and `EPEL 9`_ Bodhi updates.

Undefine ``%dist`` for SRPM builds

The Dist Tag (e.g. ``.fc35``) for built SRPM packages,
was a frequent point of confusion for Copr users as it was
reported on multiple occasions.
For more info about the Copr build workflow see https://docs.pagure.org/copr.copr/_images/srpm-build.jpeg
Basically, the build dist tag was inherited from the
initial source RPM.  Either uploaded by user, or built from remote sources *on
Copr builder* in an isolated environment (e.g. Fedora 35 producing ``.fc35``).  But the initial source
RPM dist tag had no informational value (a build may be submitted for many chroots, not just F35), and it eventually gets replaced by the target chroot dist-tag (e.g. ``el8`` for EPEL 8 builds).

We decided to set ``%dist`` to ``%nil`` for the source builds to avoid this
confusion.  The reported NVR in UI and API will look like ``foo-1.1-2`` instead of ``foo-1.1-2.fc35``,
while the final RPMs in chroot builds will still have appropriate dist tags.

Building from PyPI with ``pyp2spec`` generator

For a long time, it was possible to submit builds directly from
PyPI. In such a case, ``pyp2rpm`` was used to generate a spec file
from the python package definition. It is now possible to use
``pyp2spec`` instead (see `#2203`_).

For example::

    $ copr-cli buildpypi myproject \
        --packagename argparse-manpage \
        --spec-generator pyp2spec

Or you can create a package::

    $ copr-cli add-package-pypi myproject \
        --name python-argparse-manpage \
        --packagename argparse-manpage \
        --spec-generator pyp2spec

    $ copr-cli build-package myproject --name python-argparse-manpage -r $CHROOT

Submitting multiple builds at once via ``copr-cli``

Previously, when multiple packages were passed to ``copr-cli``, it
submitted the first build and waited, then submitted the second build
and waited, and so on. Now it submits all the builds right from the
start to maximally parallelize them. Then we wait for all of them.

During this change, also the progress-bar logic in ``copr-cli`` was

Notable changes

- The ``copr-dist-git`` doesn't hold the downloaded files in the
  memory anymore to prevent SWAP issues when multiple large SRPMs are
  being imported concurrently.

- When creating a project via ``copr-cli``, its URL is printed


- `#2243`_ - It is now possible to set runtime dependencies when
  using ``copr-cli create`` and ``copr-cli modify``

- `#2228`_ - We don't try to submit builds for Pagure pull requests
  into deleted projects

- `#1431`_ - Copr searches for the ``coms.xml`` in the chroot
  directory (instead of the repodata directory)

- `#2246`_ - The ``copr-cli`` works properly with Kerberos ticket and
  no ``~/.config/copr``

- `#2235`_ - Correct "Login invalid/expired" messages are now displayed
  when all attempts to send a request from ``copr-cli`` fail

- `#2253`_ - The GSSAPI dependency for Copr client packages is now
  optional, which simplifies their installation from PyPI

- `RHBZ 2108401`_ - It is now possible to build DistGit packages
  that do not use the ``sources`` file

- Copr-specific macros such as ``%copr_username`` and
  ``%copr_projectname`` are defined also for custom builds and SCM
  builds using the ``make_srpm`` method

- Runtime dependencies (extenal repositories) may be specified as a white-space separated set of URLs (including newlines, previously only a space separator worked)

.. _`Fedora 35`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-cc1b7bdccc
.. _`Fedora 36`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-c6d285c4eb
.. _`EPEL 7`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2022-aab6aa4cb1
.. _`EPEL 8`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2022-e81f6b6413
.. _`EPEL 9`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2022-c857519654

.. _`#2203`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/2203
.. _`#2243`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/2243
.. _`#2228`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/2228
.. _`#1431`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/1431
.. _`#2246`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/2246
.. _`#2235`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/2235
.. _`#2253`: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/2253
.. _`RHBZ 2108401`: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2108401