.. _release_notes_2021_01_21:

Highlights from 2021-01-21 release

Updated client packages are shipped in `Fedora 33`_, `Fedora 32`_, `EPEL 8`_ and
`EPEL 7`_ Bodhi updates.

IPv6 support

Fedora Copr stack is available both on IPv4 on IPv6.  This should enable
IPv6-only clients to work correctly with Fedora Copr.

Isolation configuration per-chroot

There's new option for ``--isolation`` for ``copr edit-chroot``.  This allows
users to set the ``mock --isolation`` on builders more carefuly (e.g. to
work-around only specific chroot problems, and keep the rest of chroots in
the default setup).

Submit build with excluded chroots

The ``copr build*`` commands now accept (list of) ``--exclude-chroot <chroot>``
option(s).  With these options, copr will submit a build against all enabled
chroots minus the set of excluded ones.  Note: This complements ``--chroot``

EOL chroot management

Copr serves the repo files for EOLed, but not yet deleted repositories.  This in
turn allows your users to ``dnf copr enable <your>/<project>`` even when the
chroot is end-of-live (and still, the end-of-life chroot expiration is
`under your control`_).

Disabling modules in buildroot

Previously modules could be enabled (Web-UI, Settings, Chroot configuration)
using the comma-separated list of ``module:stream`` pairs.  Newly you can
instruct Copr to also disable pre-enabled chroots using ``!module:stream``


- Previously we did not always cancel the builds correctly, it sometimes led to
  concurrent mock processes running on one builder and thus two sets of RPM
  results produced one result directory.

- Cli was fixed for updated python3-munch, which broke serialization of some
  DB data sent to clients.

- Runtime project dependencies are newly added to copr repo files with
  ``gpgcheck=0``.  This is because the external repository may live anywhere
  where signatures might or might not exist.  There's currently no way to
  specify the gpg key for external repository.

- Forked project don't contain end-of-live chroots.  This is important to not
  bother users with bloat in outdated repositories form.

.. _`under your control`: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/user/repositories/
.. _`Fedora 33`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-4c8257e310
.. _`Fedora 32`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-d64d77b7f8
.. _`EPEL 8`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2021-1304240565
.. _`EPEL 7`: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2021-7d55e95d4e