.. _how_to_release_copr:

How to release Copr

Go through this page well before you will do the release. Maybe you will want to do some steps in different order, and in any case, it's good to know what's ahead.

Keep amending this page if you find something not matching reality or expectations. 

Tag untagged packages that have changes in them


    tito report --untagged-commits

and walk the directories of packages listed and tito tag them and push them. 

Build packages

Build all outstanding packages::

    ./.tito/build-missing-builds.sh @copr-dev

Upgrade -dev machines

Check that .repo files correctly points to copr-dev. And run on batcave01.phx2.fedoraproject.org (if you do not have account there ask Mirek or somebody from fedora-infra)::

    sudo rbac-playbook -l copr-be-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org groups/copr-backend.yml

    sudo rbac-playbook -l copr-keygen-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org groups/copr-keygen.yml

    sudo rbac-playbook -l copr-fe-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org groups/copr-frontend.yml

    sudo rbac-playbook -l copr-dist-git-dev.fedorainfracloud.org groups/copr-dist-git.yml

Note: if need manually run DB upgrade on frontend::

    sudo su - copr-fe

    alembic upgrade head

Call for QA

Move MODIFIED+ bugzillas to ON_QA.

Ask people to test, verify bugs, and generally help with QA. They will ignore it but you will feel good about giving them a chance. 


Run :ref:`beaker_tests` and check the results.

Build packages for production

Build all outstanding packages for @copr projects::

    ./.tito/build-missing-builds.sh @copr

Release python-copr to PyPi

Make sure you have `~/.pypirc` correctly set up and run::

    /usr/bin/python setup.py sdist --format=gztar upload

Or tell somebody with access to run that (msuchy has access).

Release package to Fedora

Make sure that `./.tito/releasers.conf` has up to date list of branches.

Make sure you are co-maintainer of those packages in Fedora.


    cd python

    tito release fedora-git-all

    cd ..

    cd cli

    tito release fedora-git-all

    cd ..

    cd frontend

    tito release fedora-git

    cd ..

    cd backend

    tito release fedora-git

    cd ..

    cd dist-git

    tito release fedora-git


    cd keygen

    tito release fedora-git-keygen

    cd selinux

    tito release fedora-git-selinux

    cd ..

    cd prunerepo

    tito release fedora-git

    cd ..

And create erratas in Bodhi.

Generate documentation

Go to:

* https://readthedocs.org/projects/copr-rest-api/

* https://readthedocs.org/projects/copr-backend/

* https://readthedocs.org/projects/copr-keygen/

* https://readthedocs.org/projects/python-copr/

And hit "Build" button for each of those projects.

If schema was modified you should generate new Schema documentation.

Prepare release notes

Go over bugs, which were resolved. Write some nice announce.

Upgrade production machines

Run on batcave01.phx2.fedoraproject.org (if you do not have account there ask Mirek or somebody from fedora-infra)::

    sudo rbac-playbook -l copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org groups/copr-backend.yml

    sudo rbac-playbook -l copr-keygen.cloud.fedoraproject.org groups/copr-keygen.yml

    sudo rbac-playbook -l copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org groups/copr-frontend.yml

    sudo rbac-playbook -l copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org groups/copr-dist-git.yml

Note: if need run manually DB upgrade.

Test production machine

Just run some build and check if it succeeds.

Announce the release

Send email to copr-dev mailing list. If there is some important change you can send email to fedora devel mailing list too.

Post release

Check if the MODIFIED bugs (that are not ON_QA) are fixed in released Copr or not, move them ON_QA if they are:


Change status of all ON_DEV, ON_QA, VERIFIED, and RELEASE_PENDING bugs to CLOSED/CURRENTRELEASE with comment like 'New Copr has been released.':


Fix this document to make it easy for the release nanny of the next release to use it.