.. _createrepo:

When do we run createrepo

There are several situations when we need to update repository metadata in copr

We need to run createrepo when some build finishes so the built RPMs are
distributed to the repository end-users.  Similarly we need to update repodata
when some build is removed.

Also, there's no sophisticated "gating" mechanism in copr similar to Fedora's
Bodhi (aka ``updates`` vs ``updates-testing`` repositories).  The alternative
approach in Copr is to temporarily disable the "Auto Create Repo" feature (or
*ACR*).  With such configuration, copr instead creates the repodata in a
separate directory named ``devel`` -- so the subsequent builds still can be
built against previously finished builds.  With such configuration though, copr
doesn't re-generate the "production" repodata after each build automatically
(even though there freshly built RPMs, they are not visible in repos) so project
maintainers are fully responsible for recreating the "production" metadata
manually when it is appropriate (in the web-UI - in project overview, hit the
``Regenerate Repositories`` button).

The following table describes situations when we execute ``/bin/createrepo_c``.

| situation                        | what copr dirs               | what chroots             | devel/normal repo         |
| new Project created              | main                         | all                      | normal + devel if not ACR |
| new chroot(s) added              | all                          | only new chroots         | Normal + devel if not ACR |
| new CoprDir added (pull-request) | the one just created         | all                      | Normal + devel if not ACR |
| ACR toggle                       | all                          | all                      | normal if ACR else devel  |
| post-build                       | affected                     | affected                 | normal if ACR else devel  |
| manual createrepo event          | all                          | all                      | normal                    |
| delete build event               | affected                     | affected                 | both                      |
| prunerepo script                 | affected                     | affected                 | normal                    |

The ``copr dirs`` can be either the default project directory (e.g.
``jsmith/coolproject``), or pull-request directories (e.g.