Pre-release checks

  • Documentation is up-to-date:
    • NEWS

Bump version & tag it

  • Run releng/ script to:

    • Bump version in:
      • contrib/bind-dyndb-ldap.spec
    • Git tag the new version & sign it
  • Push changes:

    $ git push -vn
    $ git push --tags -vn

Generate & publish new source tarballs

  1. Create tarball and signature file

    $ autoreconf -fiv
    $ ./configure # in source tree
    $ make distcheck # create tarballs bind-dyndb-ldap-*.*.tar.{gz,bz2}
    $ gpg2 --detach-sign --armor bind-dyndb-ldap-*.*.tar.bz2 # sign resulting tarball using detached ASCII armored signature
  2. Test source tarball

    $ tar -xf bind-dyndb-ldap-*.*.tar.bz2
    $ cd bind-dyndb-ldap-*.*
    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ sudo cp -v src/.libs/ /usr/lib64/bind/
    $ cd ..
  3. Run BIND and do some sanity checks

  4. Upload tarball and signature file to Pagure Releases


Continue with Fedora specifics.