First step is to get all the zone data from an existing server to zone files.
Simply allow zone transfer from the old server and use dig:
$ dig -t AXFR @ip.address.of.the.old.server > /tmp/zone.db
Now you need to convert zone file to LDIF format which can be later imported to LDAP database. Easiest way is to use zone2dyndb-ldif script (please see README):
$ zone2dyndb-ldif /tmp/zone.db "cn=dns, dc=example, dc=com" > zone.ldif
Now you can import LDIF file to your LDAP database:
$ ldapadd -Y GSSAPI < zone.ldif
Now your zone data are in LDAP. Do not forget to manually convert query/transfer/update ACLs (and possibly other settings)!