
What is ELAPI?
The following diagram illustrates the ELAPI architecture:

.. image:: _static/ELAPIdesignTake2.png

So ELAPI is first of all an interface that allows applications to emit logging, tracing, audit information. The interface consist of the core part and couple different sets of wrappers that can be used by application developers when they build threaded or non-threaded applications.

Under the hood the ELAPI has a dispatcher. Dispatcher is the entity that holds the targets, and sends the events to them evaluating which event needs to go into which target. Targets consist of sink fail-over chains. Same sink can be mentioned in chains belonging to different targets. This capability should be used with cation so that events destined for different targets might end up in one place. Sometimes this is desired but some times not.

One of the main values of ELAPI is that targets and sinks can be reconfigured at will without changing the application. New providers (code that formats and writes events) can also be dropped in.

The original implementation includes following providers:

* file provider - code that writes events to a file
* syslog provider - code that writes events to the syslog
These providers (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) will be embedded directly into the ELAPI itself. Other providers can be dropped in later.

One of such providers would be a so called IPA remote provider. This provider will have a connection with the local collection daemon. This daemon will get events from different ELAPI enabled applications that send events through this "remote" provider, filter them and then deliver to the central auditing server for storing and processing.

ELAPI Concepts
This section covers main concepts related to ELAPI.

**Event** - event is a collection of the key-value pairs. Application creates a collection and sends it to log dispatcher (see below). There are convenience APIs that allow doing it in one step (creating-submitting-destroying). 
There are several special keys that have predefined meaning and use. They are prefixed and suffixed with "__" or with "R_". The attributes denoted by theses keys are common to many events. They are defined in the elapi_event.h. See comments there. 
The attributes with "__" are just special "reserved" attributes. They have prefix and suffix so that they are differentiated from the attributes supplied by the application. The attributes with "R_" are not only reserved attributes but also resolvable when the event is submitted into dispatcher. This means that the value of the attribute is set by ELAPI based on specific rules on per attribute basis.

Message attribute
There is a special attribute named "R_message__" that can be a part of any event. This attribute is processed differently than other attributes. The message attribute can have place holders to reference other attributes from the same event at the run time. For example the message can be something like this:

R_message___="This unfortunate event is logged on %(__host__) at %(R_stamp__) when the process with %(__pid__) crashed."
The tokens "%(__host__)", "%(R_stamp__)" and "%(__pid__)" are references to other fields in the same event.

Other special attributes
There are couple other special attributes that ELAPI handles internally.


The value of this attribute is expected to be a format rather than a value itself. The ELAPI will resolve the time stamp automatically and insert it into the output without affecting the original event so that it can be copied around and used as a base for another event.


The value of this attribute is ignored. It is automatically resolved with the current UTC time (number of seconds since 1970).


The value of this attribute is ignored. It is automatically resolved with the current offset between the local time UTC time (number of seconds).

Event context
Attributes that need special handling should be resolved once per event submission but since event can be sent to different targets and sinks it makes sense to resolve these attributes once and then carry them around in a resolved event. Events are based on collection interface (`collection.h <>`_) and support reference counts. thus one copy of immutable data (already resolved event) can be used by different targets. When the event writing is complete the destructor will be called against the event reference and the count will be decreased. This way it does not matter which target finishes logging first in the async case, the data will be around for other targets to finish logging. The event will be completely deleted when last target completes the task. There are other elements of the event context that are important. They are discussed later.

Event Template
Sometimes it makes sense to create a common collection of attributes and reuse then with different events. This is what the templates are for. A template is a collection of the event attributes that are frequently or always used. The "time stamp", "PID", "hostname" and some others are good examples of such attributes. Combining them together once in a set and reusing simplifies coding and optimizes performance since resolving names and IP addresses might be costly. The developer can create, destroy, modify and copy templates. It advised to create a set of the templates at the initialization of the application and them just reuse them. API allows creating events based on the templates or even logging events right away by implicitly constructing event using template and submitting it into the log dispatcher.

The concept of a "target" is introduced to separate logging destinations logically and to allow one event be sent to different destinations at the same time. ELAPI supports three default targets: "debug", "audit" and "log". Other destinations can be added/defined by the developer of the application that utilizes ELAPI. In this case a new section should be added to the ELAPI configuration file. The target is a bit mask argument specified by caller of the interface. The configuration file shall contain targets with corresponding bit mask values. At run time the bit masks provided by caller and bit mask provided in the configuration file are compared. If logical AND of those is positive the event will be sent to the specific target.

ELAPI defines three default targets using the following values:
* debug is 1
* audit is 2
* log is 4
This mapping is really just a convention. The configuration file (see details below) allows defining different targets (just names of the sections in the file) and assigning them a number. It is really does no matter how they are named but for convenience ELAPI provides three pre configured targets mentioned above.

The log dispatcher tries all the targets listed in the configuration and makes decision based on the result of the bit mask evaluation.
As it was said above target is a logical destination. Targets must be unique. Specifying target twice will not rise error but only one target object will be created by ELAPI. Each target has its own section in the configuration file. This section specifies sinks (physical destinations) that constitute the target and the bit mask "value" needed for evaluation.

For more details see comments and examples in the elapi_ut.conf.

Internal Implementation
Internally target is treated as an object. This means that memory for it is allocated and the main reference to a target object is a pointer to a memory. The target has functions to create and destroy. Creating target means allocating memory for its context and filling it. Destroying means freeing the allocated memory that different parts of context use and freeing the context itself. List of targets is implemented using pointers to allocated context not the context data itself. So the data stored in collection is a pointer. To simplify an explanation here is the example. For simplicity let us assume that out context consists of two integer variables.::

    struct ctx 
        int a;
        int b;

The collection of targets could have been implemented in different ways. It could save a copy of the context or a pointer to it. In first case it will store a block of data with the contents of the context structure (variables a and b), in the second case it will store just a pointer. The collection of targets keeps pointers.
This approach is preferable since it reduces the number of memory allocation operations and data duplication.

The sink describes a physical destination. Each target might consist from more than one physical destination i.e. more than one sinks. Each sink is associated with a specific logging facility (provider, see below) like file, syslog, database, remote logging server etc. The sinks specified for a target constitute a fail over chain. This means that when the ELAPI tries to log into the "target" it will use first sink from the list. If this sink fails to log the event then next sink will be tried until all sinks are tried and logging either successes or fails. The fail over and retry logic is a bit more complex than that. One must also keep in mind that sinks usually (if implemented properly) allow asynchronous operations so the failure might be resolved internally. The error will be returned to caller only if all best efforts (within given configured fail over and retry rules) failed.

Each sink has its own section in the configuration file. This section specifies settings related to a specific sink.

For more details see comments and examples in the elapi_ut.conf.
Same sink can be used for different targets in different places in the fail over chain.

Internal Implementation
Sinks, similarly to the targets, are implemented as objects and list of sinks keeps references to the sink memory rather than a copy of the sink's data.
Internally dispatcher has list of sinks and list of targets. Each target has an array of sinks it deals with. The data in this array (implemented as dynamic array with reference count) is an index of the sink in the global array of sinks constructed at the creation of the dispatcher.

Sink Configuration
There is a set of common parameters that are applicable to each sink. For details see elapi_ut.conf.

Provider is the implementation of a "writer" functionality. Each sink is logging via a provider. Two sinks can write via same provider. For example there is a "file" provider. It is capable of taking and event, serializing it and writing it into a file. There can be several sinks in the configuration that take advantage of the same provider. For example assume that there is a "log" target that consists of two sinks in the fail over chain: "nfsfile" and "localfile". Both these sinks will write to a file but these would be two different files. So in this case the provider will be same for two different sinks. The sinks will differ in configuration, they will use different file name, might have different format or set of fields. There are a lot of parameters that can be defined around each provider. All the provider specific configuration parameters shall be listed in the same sink definition section of the configuration file.

There are two embedded providers that ELAPI will provide out of box: file and syslog.

**File Provider**

File provider configuration consists of two sets of parameters. First set denotes parameters that are common for all formats supported by this provider. The second set is the collection of groups of parameters where each group is associated with a specific format. Internally a provider is represented by a context object (a structure). This structure contains information that provider needs to keep about itself during run time. On of the parts of the context is the configuration structure. This configuration structure holds the parameters common for all the formats supported by provider. The format specific configuration is stored in a separate structure pointer to which is stored in the configuration structure. It is done this way to not have a huge structure with all possible configuration parameters for all formats. This would have been a waste of memory since only one format can be configured at a time (well... actually two see below). Another reason to keep format specific information separately from common parameters is that there are two main very loosely coupled functions that a provider (especially a "file" provider) should perform: serialize and write. The code to serialize should not and does not care what happens with serialized data while the part of code that actually writes the data should not care about format. This situation creates a good argument for separation of duties between two functions: serialize and write. As a result the file provider reads common part of the configuration, identifies the format and then calls a special format handler that would read the format specific configuration. The file provider sees the format specific data as opaque pointer and does not have a clue what parameter the format handler cares about. When the event is submitted into the sink and passed from sink to provider a special serialization function is invoked by the provider. The opaque pointer with the format specific configuration is passed into this function. The serialized data is stored in a specific common for all providers structure and ready to be sent into a file or socket.  

**Supported formats**

There is a plan to support the following formats:
1. CSV
3. XML
5. Key value pairs
6. Free format (might be extracted into a special provider)

The first implementation might not have all the formats supported. So far CSV format is implemented.

**Append/Create logic**

(To be implemented)

The configuration is read once when ELAPI is initialized. At that moment all the sinks and provers are loaded and initialized. At the same time the file specified as a destination for output is checked. If the file is not present it is created. If the file is present the file will be just opened. In both cases the launch marker will be added. The marker is a configurable string that is used to identify the beginning of the application run. After the marker format specific headers if any will be inserted. Then if the file is configured to be kept open it will be kept open. In this case the parameter that defines how frequently the buffered data should be flushed to a file is respected. If the provider is configured to open and close the file on each event it will do so and then the flushing parameter is ignored since closing the file forces a flush operation.

**Configuration changes**

(To be implemented)

One of the important things that one needs to keep in mind is that the output file is treated as a continuous stream of data. It is never rotated by the ELAPI. Use logrotate to rotate such files. However ELAPI needs to deal with the cases when the configuration changes. For example someone stopped application, set format to CSV, ran application, stopped it, changed format again to HTML and started it again keeping the file name same. The data will be sent to that file but in different formats. The launch marker mentioned above becomes important. Also some formats (like XML, HTML) require opening and closing tags at the beginning and at the end so those tags will be inserted at the initialization and finalization times respectfully. 

**Special stderr configuration**

(To be implemented)

The "stderr" can be used as a special value for the name of the file. In this case the file sink will use file descriptor 2 for its output. If file descriptor 2 is not opened (for example it was closed during the application initialization if application is a daemon) the provider will return unrecoverable failure so such sink should not be configured as required otherwise the ELAPI dispatcher will fail to start. There will be no attempt at least in first implementation to reopen file descriptor 2 and connect back to terminal if descriptor 2 was deliberately closed by the application. 

**Notion of sets**
Let us look at the following use case: my ELAPI application emits all sorts of events that are created using different templates, but there is really a common set of fields that I mostly care about, so I want the output to have a predefined set of columns. If the key is missing in the event I want the output to contain an empty value. To accomplish this I can define a set of fields in the configuration file and this set of fields will always constitute my output. But what about other fields that are not a part of the set but may be a part of the event? I might want to have them in the output too but only as additional fields after the predefined set. For some formats having "leftovers" be presented as separate columns or fields in the output might be preferable but there are formats for which it makes sense to jam the leftovers together in one field. When one defines a set in the configuration file for a sink a special string "@" can be put at the end of the set. It would denote that all the leftovers need to be added to the end of the output as separate fields. The string "@n" will specify that the leftovers need to be jammed into one format and this format number is specified by "n". The internal implementation parses the event and splits it in two parts: the fields predefined by the set and leftovers. Then depending upon the configuration the fields are serialized and the output is constructed.

**ELAPI Configuration**
The example of the ELAPI configuration file with comments can be found here `elapi_ut.conf`. The application initializing ELAPI needs to call initialization function. There are couple different initialization functions that can be used depending upon the type of the application see details below and in the `elapi_log.h`. One of the arguments to those functions is the name of the application (appname) and another is a path to configuration file or directory (config_path). The following logic is used to determine where and how to read the ELAPI configuration for the application:::

   If config_path = NULL the configuration will be read from the standard locations:
    - First from the global configuration file "elapi.conf" located in the directory
      defined at the compile time by the ELAPI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR constant.
      This file is assumed to contain common ELAPI configuration for this host;
    - Second from the file with name constructed from appname by appending to it
      suffix ".conf". The file will be looked in the directory pointed by
      ELAPI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_APP_DIR constant that is defined at compile time.
    The data from second file overwrites and complements the data from the first
    It is expected that applications will take advantage of the common
    central convention so config_path should be NULL in most cases.
   If config_path points to a file the function will try to read the file
   as if it is a configuration file. The appname is ignored in this case.
   If config_path points to a directory, the function will try to read
   configuration from the file with name constructed by appending suffix ".conf"
   to appname. The file will be looked up in that directory.
   If the config_path is neither file or directory the default values will be used
   to initialize dispatcher.

Dispatcher is the core of the ELAPI logic. It is the collection of targets and sinks. It keeps track of sink statuses and checks where the event should be sent. Application can instantiate multiple dispatchers with different configurations. This is useful for the thread applications. In such cases it is important to use only re-entrant sinks. Syslog sink is not re-entrant sink so it should be used with caution. It is recommended to phase out use of the syslog sink as soon as possible to avoid issues with its inability to act properly in re-entrant environments.

Sync vs Async
Internally the ELAPI is written as the asynchronous interface. However the use of the synchronous or asynchronous interface should be correlated to the way the dispatcher is initialized. The low level dispatcher initialization call looks like this (see `elapi_dispatcher.h` for more details):::

    int elapi_create_dispatcher(struct elapi_dispatcher **dispatcher,  /* Handle of the dispatcher will be stored in this variable */
                                const char *appname,                   /* Application name. Passed to the sinks to do initialization */
                                const char *config_path,               /* See notes below in the elapi_init() function. */
                                struct elapi_async_ctx *ctx);          /* Async context. If NULL internal context will be used */

The use of the async or synch API with a dispatcher depends upon what is specified in the last parameter of the call. If the application is using its own async loop it can construct the async context object using provided API and pass it to the `elapi_create_dispatcher()` function. The async context object is a set of the callbacks and pointers to data that application wants to pass to those callbacks. The callbacks are used by ELAPI when ELAPI wants to request read or write operation on a file descriptor or wants to create a timer. If the application provides its callbacks the ELAPI will be fully integrated into the main event loop of the application. It will process submitted log events asynchronously and will call application provided callback at different points of processing (depending upon passed in flags). If application calls synch API it will wrap the internal async calls and will not return until the events are logged. This is accomplished by internally looping using loop_once() callback provided by application as part of the async context object.

If the application calls dispatcher and does not provide the async context the dispatcher will be initialized internally using internal loop. So if the synch API is called the ELAPI will use the internal loop to process the event. If the async API is called the caller would have to provide a callback that will be invoked at the special moments of the event processing. The async call will return right away and the caller would have to get back to checking the results of the invocation when all necessary callbacks are executed. The synch API does exactly that so there is no sense to use async API with a dispatcher that is not integrated with the application loop.

Walk Through the Dispatcher Creation Call
* Validate input
* Allocate memory for dispatcher data
* Read configuration file 
* Initialize global internal objects like hash table and list of resolvers
* Build target lists and sink chains. As a part of this operation:
    * The list of targets is created 
    * Then the list of sinks is created. 
    * The sink arrays are constructed for each target denoting the fail over chains. The sink array contains the index of the sink in the global list of sink stored in dispatcher.
    * The providers are loaded and initialized for each sink   
* Initialize internal loop if the external loop data is not provided

Walk Through the Synchronized Logging Call
* Create an error object. The error object contains an aggregated error state and collection of statutes related to each target the event was sent to.
* Call async logging call. The call schedules the logging operation and returns. The details of what happens inside the async call are described below.
* The loop_once() callback is executed until the error object gets into the "done" state. After this the call returns to the caller.

Walk Through the Asynchronous Logging Call
* The event is resolved. As a result a new "resolved" event where the values for all special keys are resolved.
* The tracker object is created. The tracker object is the internal ELAPI object that tracks how many instances of the event are being loged into different targets at the same time. 
* The event is sent into the target list. This is when the target list is traversed and for each matched target the event context object is created. The event context object attaches to the tracker. The tracker records how many event contexts are expected and how many event context are actually created. When the processing of the event failed early and the event context was not created there will be less event contexts tracked than tracker expects. The whole point of ELAPI is to try to log as much as possible even if logging into some of the targets failed. Tracker object helps with this goal. It compares number of expected event contexts to the actual number of event context and makes sure that the caller does not wait for the completion of the logging of the event when the event context creation already failed. The event context object keeps reference to the resolved event, target's sink array and other target related properties. At this stage the event starts its journey through the callback chain.
* The callback chain for each event context object consist of the sequence of operations executed by one high level processing callback function. This is the function that looks at the event context, determines its state and does an operation it is supposed to do in this state. Then it schedules execution of the itself again passing in the event context. When time comes the function is called again but now the event is in a different state so different operation is performed. The list of operations includes doing a logging operation via interrogating with the sink object or calling a user provided callback in a specific state. Think about this function being a rocket in the table tennis when someone just juggles the ball (event context) on the rocket. Just imagine that every time the ball hits the rocket the internal reaction happens and the ball changes its color. Same here, the ball i.e. the event context goes through the chain of states and finally gets destroyed when the event is successfully logged, operation failed or was canceled by application via callback return code. One of the states is interrogating with sink. What is done in this state depends upon the state of the sink. The sink can be active so the event will be scheduled for logging.  As soon as the file descriptor is ready for writing the event will be written into the file descriptor. The sink can be suspended, then depending upon the configuration the sink might be skipped or the ELAPI might decide that it is time to revive the sink. If the logging into the sink fails the event context will be scheduled to start over with next sink in the chain.    
* When the async logging call is executed the caller needs to provide the callback and a "flags" argument. The flags argument determines in which state(s) the application provided callback needs to be executed. By default the callback will be executed when the processing of the sink chain ends due to error or success and when all the copies of the same event destined for different targets complete their journey.    

Module List

* **elapi_dispatcher.c** - code to create and destroy dispatcher
* **elapi_dispatcher.h** - interface definition for dispatcher related operations. This interface is external.
* **elapi_log.c** - code to log the event synchronously or asynchronously 
* **elapi_log.h** - interface to log the event synchronously or asynchronously. This interface is external.
* **elapi_event.c** - code to construct events and templates from key-value pairs and collections 
* **elapi_event.h** - interface to the event creation functions. This interface is external.
* **elapi_ioctl.c** - specific code to populate the network related attributes
* **elapi_ioctl.h** - header for specific code to populate the network related attributes
* **elapi_net.h** - header for specific code to populate the network related attributes
* **elapi_resolve.c** - code to resolve the elements of the event
* **elapi_subst.c** - code to perform substitution used in resolution code
* **elapi_error.c** - code to implement error and status object. Used by synch code to keep track of the aggregated result. 
* **elapi_error.h** - interface to the event object. This interface is external. It consists of two parts. One for processing results after the synch call returns to caller and another for building of the synch wrappers.
* **elapi_loop.c** - code to implement internal event loop. 
* **elapi_loop.h** - intern event loop callbacks. This interface is external. 
* **elapi_async.c** - code to create the object that has all the async callbacks 
* **elapi_async.h** - interface to the async object. This interface is external.
* **elapi_target.c** - code to implement target object.
* **elapi_target.h** - interface to the target object. This interface is internal. 
* **elapi_sink.c** - code to implement sink object.
* **elapi_sink.h** - interface to the sink object. This interface is internal. 
* **elapi_evctx.c** - code to implement event context object
* **elapi_evctx.h** - interface to the event context object. This interface is internal. 
* **elapi_tracker.c** - code to implement tracker object
* **elapi_tracker.h** - interface to the tracker object. This interface is internal. 
* **elapi_priv.h** - the main internal ELAPI header file that defines all the internal data 
* **elapi_plugin.h** - the internal ELAPI header file that defines the provider interface 
* **elapi_defines.h** - some of the ELAPI constants  
* **elapi.h** - high level header that includes all public interfaces exposed by ELAPI   
* **elapi_basic.c** - the basic object for data serialization
* **elapi_basic.h** - interface to the basic data serialization object. This interface is internal but supposed to be used by the providers.